
Maximum Security #3 (Jan. 2001):
“Whatever the Cost!”
by Kurt Busiek, Jerry Ordway, Will Blyberg, Paul Ryan, etc.

Maximum Security #3

Title: “Whatever the Cost!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Jan. 2001

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Kurt Busiek
Art by: Jerry Ordway, Will Blyberg, Paul Ryan, Mark McKenna

121 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
U.S. Agent U.S. Agent (John Walker)
(lead character)
CBR Scale: S Evangelical Protestant
Force Works; Omega Flight...  Marvel 333
Kree Kree supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Kree religion
[alien race] Marvel 238
Quasar Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) hero
CBR Scale: S atheist
Protectors of the Universe; S.H.I.E.L.D....  Marvel 317
Supreme Intelligence Supreme Intelligence villain
CBR Scale: U Kree religion
[ruler of the Kree Empire] Marvel 120
Ronan the Accuser (Ronan) villain
CBR Scale: R Kree religion
[former supreme public accuser]
Marvel 170
Ruul Ruul villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[fake alien race Kree posed as]
Marvel 9
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker) hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
Captain America Captain America (Steve Rogers) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Redeemers; Secret Defenders...  Marvel Timely 5,992
Bruce Banner hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed)
Hulkbusters; Pantheon...  Marvel 4,551
Iron Man Iron Man (Tony Stark) hero
CBR Scale: I futurist; technophile; mostly secular; sometimes prays; Alcoholics Anonymous
Force Works; Illuminati...  Marvel 5,673
Thor Thor (Donald Blake) hero deity
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic deity
Asgardian; Cosmic Avengers...  Marvel 4,362
The Sub-Mariner The Sub-Mariner (Namor) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman
classical religion
Atlantean; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 1,864
Giant-Man Goliath (Hank Pym) hero scientist
CBR Scale: U atheist
Commission on Superhuman Activities; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 1,543
The Thing The Thing (Ben Grimm) hero
CBR Scale: S Jewish
Fantastic Five; The Avengers...  Marvel 5,017
Human Torch Human Torch (Johnny Storm) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Fantastic Five; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 4,393
Mr. Fantastic Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) hero scientist
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I humanist; portrayed alternatively as explicitly believing in God and as atheist
Fantastic Five; Illuminati...  Marvel 4,661
Invisible Woman Invisible Woman (Susan Storm Richards) hero
CBR Scale: S Episcopalian
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 4,069
Professor X Professor X (Charles Xavier) hero scientist
CBR Scale: S religious
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 4,999
Wolverine Wolverine (James Howlett / Logan) hero
CBR Scale: S raised Protestant; sometimes atheist; has practiced Buddhism; skeptical seeker
Alpha Flight; Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy...  Marvel 10,615
Nightcrawler Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Catholic (raised Gypsy/Roma)
Excalibur; Neyaphem...  Marvel 4,345
Colossus Colossus (Peter Rasputin) hero
CBR Scale: I Communist atheist (former)
Excalibur; The Acolytes...  Marvel 4,122
Rogue Rogue (Anna Marie) hero
CBR Scale: S Southern Baptist
Brotherhood of Mutants; X-Men Marvel 3,526
Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) hero
CBR Scale: M Gypsy/Roma; ethnic half Jewish; sorceress
A-Next; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 1,624
The Wasp The Wasp (Janet van Dyne) hero
CBR Scale: U Dutch Reformed (nominal); atheist
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 1,339
Wonder Man Wonder Man (Simon Williams) hero
CBR Scale: I religious
Force Works; Galactic Guardians...  Marvel 788
Vision Vision hero
CBR Scale: MCBR Scale: I synthezoid; Catholic (temporary)
A-Next; Galactic Guardians...  Marvel 1,393
Captain Marvel Warbird (Carol Danvers) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Operation: Lightning Storm (leader); Starjammers...  Marvel 784
She-Hulk She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) hero
CBR Scale: I Christian (denomination
unknown) - nominal
Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg-ampersand-Holliway; Heroes for Hire...  Marvel 952
Tigra Tigra (Greer Grant) hero scientist
CBR Scale: S mystically empowered
Cat People; Counter Force...  Marvel 310
Photon Photon (Monica Rambeau) hero
  black; Nextwave...  Marvel 256
Silver Surfer Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd) hero
CBR Scale: S Zenn-La religion
Heralds of Galactus; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 826
Gambit Gambit (Remy LeBeau) hero
CBR Scale: S Cajun Catholic
Horsemen of Apocalypse; The Marauders...  Marvel 954
Psylocke Psylocke (Betsy Braddock) hero
CBR Scale: I Anglican
Asian; Excalibur...  Marvel UK Marvel 772
Hercules Hercules hero deity
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion
Heroes for Hire; Olympian...  DC Marvel 1,029
S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D. supporting character group
  [government agency; intelligence agency...] Marvel 1,188
Namorita Namorita (Nita Prentiss) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman
classical religion
Atlantean; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 305
Speedball Speedball (Robbie Baldwin) hero
CBR Scale: I Presbyterian
League of Losers; The New Warriors...  Marvel 359
Nova Nova (Richard Rider) hero
  Nova Corps; Secret Defenders... 
[attended Harry S. Truman High]
Marvel 427
Maverick Bolt (Chris Bradley) hero
  Cable's Underground; Gene Nation...  Marvel 21
Skrulls Skrulls villain group
CBR Scale: R Skrull religion
[alien race] Marvel 344
Bishop Bishop (Lucas Bishop) villain hero
CBR Scale: S X-Men veneration (lapsed)
black; NYPD...  Marvel 548
Moondragon Moondragon (Heather Douglas) hero clergy/religious leader scientist
CBR Scale: S Titanian priestess
Infinity Watch; The Avengers... 
[raised by Shao-Lom monks on Titan]
Marvel 335
Beta Ray Bill Beta Ray Bill hero
CBR Scale: M Norse/Teutonic paganism / Korbinite religion
Korbinite; Omega Flight...  Marvel 128
Sunfire Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) villain hero
CBR Scale: U Shinto
Asian; Big Hero 6...  Marvel 259
Cerise Cerise hero
CBR Scale: R Shi'ar religion
Excalibur; Graces Marvel 59
Thunderbird Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) hero
CBR Scale: S Hindu
X-Corporation; X-Men Marvel 50
Lilandra Neramani Lilandra Neramani supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Shi'ar religion
[Majestrix (empress) of the Shi'ar Emperium]
Marvel 170
Starfox Starfox (Eros) hero
CBR Scale: R Titanian religion
Eternals of Titan; The Avengers Marvel 207
Jack of Hearts Jack of Hearts (Jonathan Hart) hero
  The Avengers; The Defenders Marvel 144
3-D Man Triathlon (Delroy Garrett Jr.) hero
CBR Scale: M Triune Understanding
black; The Avengers Marvel 101
Silverclaw Silverclaw (Maria de Guadalupe Santiago) hero
CBR Scale: M Catholic / Incan/Kamekeri polytheism
Hispanic; Initiative...  Marvel 44
Union Jack Union Jack (Joey Chapman) hero
  Knights of Pendragon; The Invaders Marvel 75
Vanguard Vanguard (Nikolai Krylenko) hero
CBR Scale: S Communist
Exiles (Russian); Siberforce...  Marvel 56
Darkstar Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna) hero
CBR Scale: S Communist Party member; Christian (denomination unknown)
Exiles (Russian); Republican Guard...  Marvel 116
Vostok Vostok (Anatoly) hero
CBR Scale: U Communist android
The People's Protectorate; The Soviet Super-Soldiers...  Marvel 17
Powersurge Powersurge (Lt. Illarion Pavlovich Ramskov) villain hero
CBR Scale: U Communist
Winter Guard Marvel 9
Gladiator Gladiator (Kallark) hero
  Imperial Guard Marvel 166
Shi'ar Shi'ar supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Shi'ar religion
[alien race] Marvel 106
The Badoon The Badoon supporting character villain group
CBR Scale: M Badoon religion
[alien race] Marvel 55
Agatha Harkness Agatha Harkness supporting character
CBR Scale: D witch
[leader of New Salem; tutored Scarlet Witch] Marvel 152
Ego the Living Planet Ego the Living Planet supporting character villain
CBR Scale: M sentient planet
Elders of the Universe (ally) Marvel 66
Z'Cann Z'Cann supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K Marvel 6
Avios Avios supporting character
CBR Scale: R Shi'ar religion
[Shi'ar; assistant to Lilandra in Intergalactic Council] Marvel 2
Blood Brothers Blood Brothers villain
CBR Scale: I alien
Hood's Army; Roclite Marvel 5
The Fourth-Dimensional Man The Fourth-Dimensional Man (Mercurio) villain
CBR Scale: I alien
Marvel 13
Ebony supporting character
CBR Scale: D familiar
[familiar of Agatha Harkness, appears as black cat] Marvel 33
Ten-Thirtifor Ten-Thirtifor villain
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien outcast]
Marvel 3
Nuro Nuro supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 1
R'Tee R'Tee supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 1
Spunje Spunje supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 1
Fiz Fiz supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull
[mutant Skrull]
Marvel 19
Aakon Aakon supporting character villain group
CBR Scale: S Aakon religion
[invoke Aakis, Sharee, Yasa] Marvel 14
Dakkamites Dakkamites supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Dakkamite religion
[Wundarr's native race; race exterminated when sun went nova] Marvel 3
Toad Men Toad Men (The Tribbitites) villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 11
Sintariis Sintariis villain
CBR Scale: R Kree religion
["Ruul" ambassador to Intergalactic Council]
Marvel 4
Fayrelyte Strongheart Fayrelyte Strongheart supporting character
CBR Scale: R Kymellian religion
[defended Earth to Intergalactic Council]
Marvel 4
Krylorians Krylorians supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Krylorian religion
[alien race] Marvel 10
Kymellians Kymellians supporting character group
CBR Scale: M Kymellian religion
[alien race] Marvel 7
Sneepers Sneepers villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 5
Axi-Tun Axi-Tun villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 9
Rigellians Rigellians supporting character group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 45
Troyjans Troyjans villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 10
Kt'kn Kt'kn villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 6
Siris Siris villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[Mutant Master's race] Marvel 3
Makluans Makluans supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Makluan religion
[race of giant dragons] Marvel 9
Elan Elan supporting character group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 12
Xandarians Xandarians supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Xandarian religion
[alien race] Marvel 5
Xeronians Xeronians supporting character group
CBR Scale: U Xeronian religion
[Space Parasite's race] Marvel 5
Geometer Geometer villain scientist
CBR Scale: I alien
[scientist; explorer] Marvel 5
Power Platoon Power Platoon villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
Dakkamite Marvel 6
unnamed alien race unnamed alien race supporting character group
CBR Scale: I alien
[race Al the Alien (U.S. Archer's ally) belongs to] Marvel 9
Dan-Farr villain
CBR Scale: R Kree religion
Kree; Ruul Marvel 1
Ten-For villain
CBR Scale: I sentient alien robot
Autocron Marvel 6
Farley Mowat Farley Mowat
(8-panel cameo, pg. 38-40)
supporting character
  S.T.A.R.S. Marvel 5
Allie Magruder Allie Magruder
(4-panel cameo, pg. 38-40)
supporting character
  S.T.A.R.S. Marvel 5
Black Panther Black Panther (T'Challa)
(3-panel cameo, pg. 5, 36)
hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M African primal-indigenous
religion; Black Panther Cult
black; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 786
Dakimh the Enchanter Dakimh the Enchanter (Dakimh)
(2-panel cameo, pg. 9, panels 4, 9)
supporting character
CBR Scale: M Cult of Zhered-Na; Atlantean (pre-Cataclysmic); sorcerer; later a ghost
[Jennifer Kale's mentor] Marvel 15
Dibdeb Dibdeb
(2-panel cameo, pg. 17, panels 1-2)
supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[ambassador to Intergalactic Council]
Marvel 1
Khalid Inshallah Khalid Inshallah
(1-panel cameo, pg. 9, panel 7)
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Muslim sorcerer
[Genghis summoned him to Temple of the Three] Marvel 2
Alberik Alberik
(1-panel cameo, pg. 17, panel 1)
CBR Scale: I alien
Axi-Tun; Intergalactic Council
[posed as one of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse]
Marvel 4
Margali of the Winding Way (Margali Szardos)
(1-panel cameo, pg. 9, panel 6)
supporting character
CBR Scale: D Gypsy/Roma sorceress
Der Jarrmachet; Shadow Hunters... 
[Nightcrawler's adoptive mother]
Marvel 35
Jules St. Thomas Jules St. Thomas
(1-panel cameo, pg. 9, panel 8)
supporting character
CBR Scale: D sorcerer
[summoned to contest to pick Sorcerer Supreme] Marvel 2
Bartos Bartos
(1-panel cameo, pg. 17, panel 1)
supporting character
CBR Scale: R Krylorian religion
[ambassador to Intergalactic Council]
Marvel 1
Taurians Taurians
(1-panel cameo, pg. 17, panel 1)
supporting character group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 5
(1-panel cameo, pg. 9, panel 5)
supporting character
CBR Scale: D magic user
Shadow Hunters Marvel 4
(visual reference
supporting character group
CBR Scale: U M'Ndavian religion
[developed galaxy's most advanced system of judgement] Marvel 4
Commission on Superhuman Activities Commission on Superhuman Activities
(behind the scenes)
supporting character group
  [U.S. govt. agency for regulating superhuman activities] Marvel 24
Devos the Devastator Devos the Devastator (Devos)
(behind the scenes)
CBR Scale: D radical pacifist
Fearsome Foursome Marvel 31
(behind the scenes)
CBR Scale: R Aakon religion
[helped Ronan guard alien-imposed barrier around Earth]
Marvel 2
Kreddik Kreddik
(behind the scenes)
CBR Scale: R Skrull religion
[ambassador to Intergalactic Council]
Marvel 4
Wibbow Wibbow
(behind the scenes)
supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[ambassador to Intergalactic Council; feared human reprisal]
Marvel 4
Nelet Pa Nelet Pa
(behind the scenes)
supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[ambassador to Intergalactic Council]
Marvel 4
Sagittarians Sagittarians
(behind the scenes)
villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 9
Blips Blips
(behind the scenes)
villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[electrical beings] Marvel Atlas 4
Duckworlders Duckworlders
(behind the scenes)
supporting character group
CBR Scale: I alien
[race Howard the Duck hails from]
Marvel 10
Poppupians Poppupians
(behind the scenes)
supporting character group
CBR Scale: I alien
[Impossible Man's race] Marvel 5
Levan Levan
(behind the scenes)
CBR Scale: R Kree religion
Kree; The Freebooters Marvel 7
Alpha Centaurians Alpha Centaurians
(behind the scenes)
villain group
CBR Scale: D alien
[amphibious; gray skin with scales] Marvel 4
Doctor Strange Doctor Strange (Dr. Stephen Strange)
(mentioned, pg. 9, panel 9) 
hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D occult
Illuminati; Midnight Sons...  Marvel 1,687
(mentioned, pg. 6, panel 1) 
supporting character deity
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic deity
[Thor's father]
Marvel 307
Popeye Popeye
(mentioned, pg. 17, panel 3) 
CBR Scale: I Quaker
[1st app: Thimble Theatre (17 Jan. 1929)] King Features Syndicate 574