Bizarre Adventures #34
Title: “Howard the Duck’s Christmas”
Feature: Howard the Duck (Howard T. Duck)
Medium: comic
Cover date: Feb. 1983
7 characters in this story:
Character (Click links for info about character and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.) |
Religious Affiliation |
Team(s) [Notes] |
Pub. | # app. |
Daydreamers; Duckworlder... | 105 | ||||||||
[girlfriend, sidekick of Howard the Duck] | 52 | ||||||||
[Beverly Switzler's old boyfriend] | 5 | ||||||||
[partly Steve Gerber self-parody] | 19 | ||||||||
[based: George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart: It's a Wonderful Life)] | 1 | ||||||||
[based on Clarence (Henry Travers) in It's a Wonderful Life] | 1 | ||||||||
[1st app: Bizarre Adventures #34 (Feb. 1983)] | 1 |