89 sources
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #278 (July 1986): "If This Be Justice"
Bizarre Adventures
Daredevil (vol. 1) #157 (Mar. 1979): "The Ungrateful Dead!"
Dark Horse Presents #56 (Nov. 1991): "Fancies"
The Defenders
Fallen Angels
Kickers, Inc. #3 (Jan. 1987): "The Witches of Westchester!"
Marvel Comics Presents
Marvel Fanfare
Marvel Graphic Novel #40 (1988): "The Punisher: Assassin's Guild"
Marvel Super-Heroes
Marvel Team-Up
Marvel Two-in-One (vol. 1) #49 (Mar. 1979): "The Curse of Crawlinswood"
Moon Knight (vol. 2) #5 (Nov. 1985): "Debts and Balances"
The Order
Power Man and Iron Fist
The Punisher (vol. 1) #5 (May 1986): "Final Solution, Part 2"
ROM #18 (May 1981): "And a Child Shall Deceive Them!"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #1 (May 1983): "The Sundered Throne"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #2 (July 1983): "Ika"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #3 (Sep. 1983): "The Sanctum Sanctorum of Doctor Strange!"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #4 (Nov. 1983): "Tell Us a Story, Daddy!"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #5 (Jan. 1984): "The Story They Said Couldn't be Done!"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #6 (Mar. 1984): "Demon"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #7 (May 1984): "Malachon"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #8 (July 1984): "Anniversary"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #9 (Sep. 1984): "Another War"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #10 (Nov. 1984): "Loss"
The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #11 (Feb. 1985): "Resolution"
What If? (vol. 1) #27 (July 1981): "What If Phoenix Had Not Died?"
X-Factor Annual #2 (1987): "The Man in the Moon"
| 77 characters