

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Vivienne

Other Names: Winston's "business associate"

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Emma Frost #4 (Nov. 2003): "Higher Learning, Part 4 of 6"

Creators: Karl Bollers, Randy Green, Rick Ketcham

Number of Appearances: 2

Romantic Interest: Winston Frost

Nation: France

Race: white

Gender: female

Note: woman Emma Frost caught her father having affair with

While vacationing in France, Emma Frost saw her father coming out of a store with a young woman not much older than Winston's eldest daughter. Emma was shocked to see his hands all over her, and she realized her father was having an affair with her.

Later, when Emma confronted her father, he claimed she was a "business associate" and she could not prove anything illicit between them.

But Emma had taken photos of them without them seeing her... and then Emma's mother got ahold of the camera with those photos.

When Emma first saw her father with the woman she would eventually realize was a mistress, she did not know her name. Months later, Emma's father spoke to her openly, for the first time treating her as an adult. He told her that her recent actions pleasantly surprised him, as she showed initiative. He realized she wasn't just the "spineless one in the middle." He said even some of her actions that he didn't like at the time (such as when she photographed him with Vivienne in France) impressed him.

This was apparently the first time that Winston's French mistress Vivienne was identified by name.

This character is in the following 6 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Emma Frost
Emma Frost: Higher Learning

Suggested links for further research about this character: