

Name: barbarians

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 10

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
The Barbarian King The Barbarian King (Prince Alrik) villain
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
[1st app: God of War II (13 Mar. 2007)] SCE Studios Santa Monica; Sony Interactive Entertainment 4
barbarian warriors supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[led to alternative Earth; used against Demonstaff] Marvel 1
Claw the Unconquered (Valcan Scaramax) hero
CBR Scale: S Pytharian religion
[1st app: Claw the Unconquered (vol. 1) #1 (May-June 1975)] DC 16
Conan the Barbarian Conan the Barbarian hero
CBR Scale: S Cimmerian paganism (esp. the god Crom)
[1st app: Weird Tales (vol. 20) #6 (Dec. 1932)] Clayton Publications Weird Tales, etc. 898
Gonad the Barbarian Gonad the Barbarian (Gonad) hero
  [parody of Conan] Eternity 1
Groo the Wanderer Groo the Wanderer hero
CBR Scale: I Gypsy/Roma (raised)
[1st app: Destroyer Duck #1 (May 1982)] Pacific Eclipse, etc. 165
Harokin Harokin villain
CBR Scale: R Norse/Teutonic paganism (Asgardian)
Asgardian; Einherjar Marvel 24
King Kull King Kull villain
CBR Scale: S pre-Cataclysmic Atlantean religion (principally Valka)
[] Clayton Publications Weird Tales, etc. 140
Starr the Slayer Starr the Slayer hero
  [broke Fourth Wall and killed his own writer] Marvel 7
X-O Manowar (Aric Dacia) hero
CBR Scale: R Visigoth/Germanic paganism
[1st app: X-O Manowar (vol. 1) #1 (Feb. 1992)] Valiant 165