

Name: financiers

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 18

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Ferguson Blaine supporting character
  [financial partner of Pentecost's FAUST factory] Marvel 1
Bung family supporting character group
CBR Scale: U Chinese traditional religion
Asian; The Cobra Syndicate
[one of 3 families who comprise Cobra Syndicate]
DC 1
The Cobra Syndicate supporting character group
CBR Scale: U Chinese traditional religion
[powerful financial cartel]
DC 1
Coo family supporting character group
CBR Scale: U Chinese traditional religion
Asian; The Cobra Syndicate
[one of 3 families who comprise Cobra Syndicate]
DC 1
J.C. Dobbs J.C. Dobbs supporting character
  [1st app: Police Comics #10 (July 1942)] Quality 1
Malcolm Drake supporting character
CBR Scale: D dragon; sorcerer
[poses as human] Marvel 1
FAUST (Fully Automated Unit of Structural Technology) villain
CBR Scale: I N.A.
[fully automated factory; gained sentience; decided to rule] Marvel 6
Justin Hammer Justin Hammer villain
  The 1400 Club (leader)
[led own super-criminal army]
Marvel 80
Headhunter Headhunter villain
  [wealthy] Marvel 5
Martin Herzog villain
  [hired Sabretooth to kill Gambit's lover Genevieve] Marvel 1
Ishanta supporting character
CBR Scale: R African primal-indigenous religion: Black Panther Cult
Black Musketeers
[Wakandan royal family; cousin of Black Panther (T'Challa)]
Marvel 3
Jasper Keaton villain based on a real person
CBR Scale: M Catholic
[American Purity Foundation (founder)] Marvel 3
Mr. Kramer villain
  [1st app: ClanDestine (vol. 1) #6 (Mar. 1995)] Marvel 2
Madame Menace Madame Menace (Sunset Bain) villain
  The Enforcers
[led own organization]
Marvel 12
The Owl The Owl (Leland Owlsley) villain
  Gang of Four
[led his own criminal gang]
Marvel 135
Rann family supporting character group
CBR Scale: U Chinese traditional religion
Asian; The Cobra Syndicate
[one of 3 families who comprise Cobra Syndicate]
DC 1
Nao Tsi supporting character
CBR Scale: M Chinese traditional religion
Asian; The Cobra Syndicate
[114-year-old head of Cobra Syndicate]
DC 1
Lord Yaru villain
  [Kiza's former captor] Marvel 1