

Name: kings

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 93

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Aerivar XVIII Aerivar XVIII supporting character villain
CBR Scale: R Avian religion
[Red Raven's adoptive father] Timely Marvel 4
King Alaric King Alaric supporting character
CBR Scale: M alien religion
[befriended Yoda; 200 later years fought against him]
Dark Horse 1
Alexander the Great Alexander the Great (Alexander III of Macedon) villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Greco-Roman classical religion
King Alfred the Great King Alfred the Great real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Christian (medieval)
[1st app: Captain Z-Ro - Season 1, Episode 26 (1956)] Atlas Television Corporation 6
Amphitryon Amphitryon supporting character
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion
[foster father (or stepfather) of Hercules] Marvel 10
Amycus Amycus supporting character deity
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion demigod
[son of Poseidon and Melia; King of the Bebryces] Image 1
Aquaman Aquaman (Arthur Curry) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman classical religion
Atlantean; human...  DC 2,384
King Arthur King Arthur hero real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Celtic Pagan; Christian (medieval)
[1st app: Black Knight (vol. 1) #1 (May 1955)] Marvel 831
Robert Babo villain
  The Fearless Umpires Dark Horse 1
The Barbarian King The Barbarian King (Prince Alrik) villain
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
[1st app: God of War II (13 Mar. 2007)] SCE Studios Santa Monica; Sony Interactive Entertainment 4
Frederick I Barbarossa Frederick I Barbarossa real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[1st app: The Avengers and the Thunderbolts (1998)] Marvel 3
Bres Bres (Eochaid Bres) villain
CBR Scale: R Atlantean Greco-Roman classical religion
Atlantean DC 3
King Bunko King Bunko lead character
  [tired of rising cost of chef's food, tries to cook] DC 8
Charlemagne Charlemagne real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Catholic
[king of the Franks; father of Europe] DC 26
David David hero real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Jewish
[slew Goliath in Old Testament] Marvel 31
Prince Edward Prince Edward supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[in Shakespeare's play, murdered by Richard III] Andrew Wise 10
Fafnir Fafnir villain deity
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic paganism (Asgardian); dragon (transformed into)
[evil king of Nastrond] Marvel 13
King Abu Al-Fahad supporting character
CBR Scale: R Muslim
Arab ABC 1
The Fin The Fin (Peter Noble) hero
  The Invaders
[King of Neptunia]
Marvel 19
The First Fallen villain
CBR Scale: M alien religion; cosmic entity; angel
[his prayer was answered; gathers the Foursaken] Marvel 3
The Frog Prince The Frog Prince supporting character
CBR Scale: M cursed
[must be kissed by a princess to return to human form] Realschulbuchhandlung 49
King George II King George II supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Anglican
[1st app: The Atom (vol. 1) #6 (Apr.-May 1963)] DC 8
The Goblin King villain
CBR Scale: D goblin
[1st app: Babes in Toyland (1997)] MGM 1
Grotesk Grotesk (Gor-Tok) villain
CBR Scale: S Gortokian religion
Gortokian Marvel 18
King Harald supporting character
CBR Scale: S Norse/Teutonic paganism; Viking
[fathered infant Ivar, who was favored by the gods] DC 2
King Hassab supporting character
CBR Scale: M Muslim
[king of oil-rich nation; went on good-will tour in Midwest]
Marvel 1
King Henry IV King Henry IV supporting character
CBR Scale: M Huguenot; Catholic (convert)
[in 1609, French king sent agents to kidnap Henry Hudson] DC 1
King Iqula supporting character
CBR Scale: R Atlantean Greco-Roman classical religion
Atlantean DC 6
James of Scotland James of Scotland villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Anglican
[ruled England after Elizabeth; tried to destroy Witchbreed] Marvel 35
Jehan Jehan supporting character
CBR Scale: S Chinese traditional religion
[Shadowqueen's brother, who she sacrificed to N'Garai] Marvel 2
Primotur Jekuakkekt villain
CBR Scale: I alien
[tried to deal with Thunderbolts; killed by Moonstone]
Marvel 2
Prince John Prince John villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic (excommunicated)
[evil brother of King Richard the Lion-Hearted] Marvel 133
the king the king supporting character
  [pie with 24 live blackbirds was set before the king] unknown 1
The King The King supporting character
    Zazoo Films 2
The King supporting character
CBR Scale: I extra-dimensional
[Sabree's father] Marvel 1
King Goose supporting character
  [1st app: BBC Pantomime (25 Dec. 1965)] BBC 1
King Kiro King Kiro (Machiste) supporting character
CBR Scale: R Kiroan religion
[1st app: The Warlord (vol. 1) #2 (Mar.-Apr. 1976)] DC 61
The King of Hearts supporting character
  [1st app: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) - book 1 in Alice series] Macmillan 25
The King of Lost Buttons villain
  [once captured the Flaming Carrot] Dark Horse 1
The King of Siam The King of Siam (Ananda Mahidol Mahidol) real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Buddhist
[1st app: Action Comics (vol. 1) #20 (Jan. 1940)] DC 2
king of Syvania supporting character
  [1st app: Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #3 (July-Aug. 1958)] DC 1
King of the Eagles (Agnar) supporting character
CBR Scale: D Asgardian eagle
[massive Asgardian eagle]
Marvel 2
King of the Fire People King of the Fire People (Atalon) villain
CBR Scale: D Fire People
[1st app: Malibu Ashcan: UltraForce (June 1994)] Malibu 4
King of the Giants villain
CBR Scale: R race of giants
[1st app: Detective Comics (vol. 1) #44 (Oct. 1940)] DC 1
King of the Ithacons King of the Ithacons supporting character
CBR Scale: M Ithacon religion
[father of creator of the Microverse]
Marvel 1
King of the Lava Men (Basallo) villain
CBR Scale: M Lava Men religion
Lava Men Marvel 6
King of the Vampires supporting character
CBR Scale: D vampire
[King of the Vampires] DC 4
King Phobotauros (Elam) villain
  [1st app: Shanna, the She-Devil (vol. 1) #3 (Apr. 1973)] Marvel 1
King Richard the Lion-Hearted King Richard the Lion-Hearted (King Richard) supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Catholic
[England's king during Crusades] Marvel Timely 126
Kingdok villain
CBR Scale: D rat creature (leader); superstitious
Rat Creatures Cartoon Books 17
King Krono King Krono supporting character
CBR Scale: R Gortokian religion
Gortokian Marvel 1
King Kull King Kull villain
CBR Scale: S pre-Cataclysmic Atlantean religion (principally Valka)
[] Clayton Publications Weird Tales, etc. 140
King Kull King Kull villain
CBR Scale: I primal-indigenous (prehistoric Submen)
The Monster Society of Evil Fawcett DC 16
Laius supporting character
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
[father of Oedipus] Marvel 1
Louis XIV Louis XIV real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[1st app: Justice League of America (vol. 2) #8 (June 2007)] DC 128
Ludi supporting character deity
CBR Scale: MCBR Scale: D Druidism; Druidic deity; demon
[1st app: Chamber of Chills #4 (May 1973)] Marvel 5
Lycaon villain
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion
[served own son in a stew to Zeus, angering Zeus] Marvel 1
Macbeth Macbeth (Mac Bethad mac Findlaích) lead character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Christian (medieval)
[star of Shakespeare's "Scottish Play"] Reginald Wolfe 72
King Gregor Markov King Gregor Markov supporting character
CBR Scale: U Markovian Orthodox
[brother of Geo-Force] DC 8
King McManus supporting character
CBR Scale: S Elsewhere religion
[1st app: Power Pack (vol. 1) #47 (July 1989)] Marvel 1
King Midas King Midas real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Greco-Roman classical religion
[legends say his touch turned objects to gold] Marvel 16
King Naga villain
  [1st app: New Fun #5 (Aug. 1935)] DC 1
Natongo Natongo hero
CBR Scale: R African primal-indigenous religion
black; Brothers of the Spear Dell Gold Key 22
King Nomok supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[father of Princess Norka (Battleax)]
DC 1
Archie O'Toole Archie O'Toole lead character
  [1st app: Feature Funnies #10 (July 1938)] Quality 47
Oedipus Oedipus non-feature lead character
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
[1st app: ancient oral tradition (500 B.C.)] Marvel 1
Old King Cole Old King Cole (King Cole) supporting character lead character based on a real person
  [1st app: Useful Transactions in Philosophy (1708)] Bernard Lintott 30
Orin hero
CBR Scale: S pre-Cataclysmic Atlantean religion
[king of Atlantis 40,000 years; brother of religious leader] DC 3
Ozymandias villain
CBR Scale: S Egyptian classical religion
[1st app: The Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #332 (May 1996)] Marvel 47
King Philip supporting character
  [his son looked exactly like Spike Spalding] DC 3
Phorbus villain
CBR Scale: R Greco-Roman classical religion
[King of Rhodes] DC 1
The Prisoner of Zenda The Prisoner of Zenda (King Rudolf) supporting character
  [1st app: The Prisoner of Zenda (1894)] J. W. Arrowsmith 16
Pyrrhus Pyrrhus real/historical person
CBR Scale: R Greco-Roman classical religion
[the phrase "Pyrrhic victory" is named after him] unknown 1
R'thaal villain
CBR Scale: D alien
[made truce with Hardware after his people attacked Earth]
DC Milestone Media 1
Randac supporting character scientist
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion
[discoverd Terrigen Mists]
Marvel 6
The Redeemer supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S alien religion; prophet
[mysterious healer] Marvel 5
King Richard III King Richard III lead character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[1st app: Richardus Tertius (1580)] Marvel 38
Seti II Seti II real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Egyptian classical religion
[Marc Spector became Moon Knight in Tomb of Sety II] Marvel 1
Shrek hero
CBR Scale: M ogre
[1st app: Shrek! (17 Oct. 1990)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux DreamWorks, etc. 27
Sisyphus Sisyphus supporting character
CBR Scale: S Greco-Roman classical religion
[1st app: Justice League of America (vol. 2) #5 (Feb. 2007)] DC 1
Starr the Slayer Starr the Slayer hero
  [broke Fourth Wall and killed his own writer] Marvel 7
The Sub-Mariner The Sub-Mariner (Namor) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman classical religion
Atlantean; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 1,864
Sumu-Abu real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Sumerian/Babylonian religion
[established First Dynasty of Babylon in approx. 2100 B.C.] DC 1
King Tawaba supporting character
CBR Scale: R African primal-indigenous religion
[1st app: The Doom Patrol (vol. 1) #112 (June 1967)] DC 2
Teknight (Theodoric) hero
CBR Scale: M Visigoth; spirit
[exists as a spirit possessing a high-tech suit of armor] Malibu 14
King Therion King Therion supporting character
CBR Scale: S wizard
[1st app: Justice (vol. 2) #2 (Dec. 1986)] Marvel New Universe 4
King Thesily supporting character
CBR Scale: R Atlantean Greco-Roman classical religion
[1st app: Aquaman (vol. 4) #1 (Dec. 1991)] DC 11
unnamed alien leader villain
CBR Scale: D alien
[led failed alien plot to infiltrate Earth via dolls] Marvel 1
The Unspoken The Unspoken villain
CBR Scale: S Inhuman religion
[1st app: The Mighty Avengers (vol. 1) #27 (Sep. 2009)] Marvel 5
King Vaneer King Vaneer supporting character
  [1st app: Battle Chasers #3 (July 1998)] Image Cliffhanger, etc. 6
The Voodoo King supporting character
CBR Scale: M Vodoun cursed idol
[cursed gold idol worshipped by voodoo tribe] Marvel 1
Ytitnedion Ytitnedion villain
CBR Scale: D sorcerer
Buzzard People
[faithfully served the Unnameable]
Marvel 5
King Zatopa villain
CBR Scale: R Atlantean Greco-Roman classical religion
Atlantean DC 1