

Name: teachers

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 104

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Mrs. Abrahms supporting character
  [1st app: Drax the Destroyer #1 (Nov. 2005)] Marvel 3
Aeren supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[Disruptor; fled Ovanan to Earth; now biology teacher]
Aria Press Image 3
Marlene Alraune Marlene Alraune supporting character
  [longtime girlfriend of Moon Knight; taught art history] Marvel 98
Aristotle Aristotle real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Greek philosophy; Platonism
  Minerva Movietone 30
Babe (Cameron Palmer) supporting character
CBR Scale: S religious; visionary
[quit teaching; took to living on streets with Kiden Nixon] Marvel 9
Sister Barbara supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
Ken Barlow Ken Barlow supporting character
CBR Scale: S Anglican (lapsed); anti-religious
[1st app: Coronation Street - Season 1, Episode 1 (9 Dec. 1960)] ITV 889
Mr. Batz supporting character
  [teacher at Little Lotta's school] Harvey 1
Oksana Bolishinko supporting character
  [dance instructor; taught Black Widow (Romanova)] Marvel 1
Miss Candy supporting character
  [taught at private school Franklin Richards attended] Marvel 1
Vera Cantor Vera Cantor supporting character
  [long-time girlfriend of Hank McCoy (Beast)] Marvel 45
Sister Celestine supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 3
Ronald Champfer supporting character
  [substitute teacher, son of Aunt May's old friend] Marvel 1
Sandra Chen supporting character
  MI-6 Marvel 1
Chiron supporting character
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
[formerly one of the Dome Creatures]
DC 12
Chlree supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[1st app: Avengers Spotlight #24 (Nov. 1989)] Marvel 1
Sister Clarissa supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[gym teacher] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 3
Sister Constance supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
The Contemplator The Contemplator (Tath Ki) supporting character
CBR Scale: D quasi-cosmic entity w/ personal obsession
Elders of the Universe
[investigator of reality]
Marvel 32
Angela Cooper supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [mother of 2 children; killed by Ishamel Gregor] DC 1
Betty Cooper Betty Cooper supporting character
CBR Scale: I Christian (denomination unknown)
Riverdale High School Archie 4,007
Josh Cooper Josh Cooper supporting character
[neighbor, friend of Steve Rogers (Captain America)]
Marvel 24
Tom Corsi Tom Corsi supporting character
  [1st app: The New Mutants (vol. 1) #19 (Sep. 1984)] Marvel 20
Miss Crab-Bone supporting character
  [Fone Bone's 1st grade teacher] Cartoon Books 1
Ichabod Crane Ichabod Crane hero
CBR Scale: M Presbyterian; Anglican
[1st app: The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1820)] Cornelius S. Van Winkle 40
Mrs. Crosley supporting character
  [Captain America's civics teacher in 1930s] Marvel 1
Dakimh the Enchanter Dakimh the Enchanter (Dakimh) supporting character
CBR Scale: M Cult of Zhered-Na; Atlantean (pre-Cataclysmic); sorcerer; later a ghost
[Jennifer Kale's mentor] Marvel 15
Mr. Dalrymple supporting character
  [1st app: Sentinel (vol. 1) #1 (June 2003)] Marvel 1
Angela Daskalakis supporting character
  [1st app: Spider-Man 2099 (vol. 1) #8 (June 1993)] Marvel 15
Professor Dogwood supporting character
  [Herbie Popnecker's heretical literature teacher] Dark Horse 1
Ms. Dorsey supporting character
  [1st app: Young Avengers #9 (Dec. 2005)] Marvel 1
Paul Edwards supporting character
  [1st app: The Man-Thing (vol. 1) #18 (June 1975)] Marvel 1
Sister Elizabeth supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[art teacher] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
Master Elo supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Eternals religion (guru)
Eternals; Eternal
Marvel 1
Steven Estevez supporting character
CBR Scale: U religious/ethical
[1st app: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #112 (Mar. 1986)] Marvel 3
Eve Eve supporting character
CBR Scale: I manifestly non-religious
[worked on 2nd floor of brothel; dressed as a "teacher"] Marvel 2
Father Flanagan supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic priest
[taught Nico Minoru, Seth, Ashley] Marvel 1
Fonzie Fonzie (Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli) lead character
CBR Scale: U Catholic
[Italian-American] ABC 281
The Grand Director The Grand Director (William Burnside) villain hero
CBR Scale: M idolizes Captain America
National Force
[taught history]
Marvel 13
The Greatest American Hero The Greatest American Hero (Ralph Hinkley) hero
  [1st app: The Greatest American Hero - Season 1, Episode 1 (18 Mar. 1981)] ABC 48
The Greatest American Heroine (Holly Hathaway) hero
  [1st app: The Greatest American Hero - Season 3, Episode 14 (1986)] NBC 1
Mr. Greer supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Detective Comics (vol. 1) #41 (July 1940)] DC 1
Tyrone D. Gus villain
CBR Scale: D Sons of Satannish; sorcerer
[former teacher of Luke Cage] Marvel 1
Char Har supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[1st app: Avengers Spotlight #24 (Nov. 1989)] Marvel 1
Sister Hatchet supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[one of Deadpool's childhood teachers; voluptuously pretty] Marvel 1
Barton Heird supporting character
  [attended outdoor memorial for Captain America] Marvel 1
Mr. Hepton supporting character
 indeterminate  [science teacher of new Melter (Chris) as child] Marvel 1
Hji supporting character
CBR Scale: I alien
[1st app: Avengers Spotlight #24 (Nov. 1989)] Marvel 1
Mr. Hodges supporting character
 indeterminate  [history instructor] DC 1
John Holt John Holt real/historical person
  [homeschooling, unschooling pioneer; youth rights theorist] Ohio State University Press 2
Mr. Huggins supporting character
  [substitute teacher] Marvel 1
Stevie Hunter Stevie Hunter supporting character
  The New Mutants (staff); X-Men (staff) Marvel 32
Laura Ingalls Laura Ingalls supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Congregationalist
[married sheriff Matt Morgan] Marvel 217
Miss Jones Miss Jones supporting character
  [Sawyer Carlisle's homeroom teacher] CBS 1
Kan Kan supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Chinese traditional religion (monk); occult
[ancestor of Hamir, Wong] Marvel 2
Kate Kate non-feature lead character
  [history teacher living in Canada with her fiance] Polygram Filmed Entertainment 20th Century Fox 1
Tom Keen Tom Keen supporting character
  [Agent Keen's husband] NBC 1
Ian Kendall Ian Kendall supporting character
  [Emma Frost's first love (HS teacher she had crush on)] Marvel 19
Judy Kingsley supporting character
  [had Jubilee work as student counselor] Marvel 5
Father Lazar supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic priest
[former teacher of Gabriel, Devil-Hunter] Marvel 1
Leahy supporting character
 indeterminate  [teaches World Civilization in high school] DC 1
Sister Liguori supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[math teacher] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
Lionfang (Alejandro Cortez) villain scientist
  Hispanic Marvel 3
Mrs. Lombardi Mrs. Lombardi supporting character
  [Rosa's and Mario's teacher] Ginger Rabbit Studio 1
Mr. Lorenzo supporting character
  [1st app: Generation X #4 (Feb. 1995)] Marvel 1
Magneto Magneto (Erik Magnus Lehnsherr) villain hero scientist
CBR Scale: S Jewish; Gypsy/Roma
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 916
Sister Margaret supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
Ed Marrero supporting character
  [taught Thunderstrike's son Kevin] Marvel 14
The Masked Man (Mr. Graves) villain
CBR Scale: I manifestly non-religious
[art instructor; master engraver] DC 1
Warren Miles Warren Miles villain
  [clone of the Jackal] Marvel 2
Ms. Morales supporting character
  Hispanic DC Milestone Media 2
Mr. Moran supporting character
  [1st app: Machine Teen #1 (July 2005)] Marvel 1
Mr. Murphy supporting character
  [1st app: Sentinel (vol. 1) #3 (Aug. 2003)] Marvel 1
Emily Norton supporting character
 indeterminate  [single teacher falsely accused of cavorting w/Fugitive] ABC QM Productions, etc. 1
Paintball (Paul Deisinger) villain
CBR Scale: M aestholatry
[art teacher] DC 3
Ms. Parker supporting character
  [Catiana's teacher] Marvel 1
Mrs. Perrine supporting character
  [teacher at school Ares' son Phobos attended] Marvel 1
Aaron Pittman Aaron Pittman supporting character scientist
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
[some of his early work was basis for power-damping nanites]
NBC Warner Brothers, etc. 21
Plato Plato supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Greek philosophy; Platonism
  Marvel 58
Pockets villain
CBR Scale: I manifestly non-religious
[1st app: Batman (vol. 1) #3 (Fall 1940)] DC 1
Power Boy (Jed Rikaine) hero
  [1st app: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 1) #240 (June 1978)] DC 6
Miss Pratt supporting character
  [teacher at Little Lotta's school] Harvey 1
Professor Power Professor Power (Anthony Power) villain
CBR Scale: M right-wing extremist; resurrected
Secret Empire
[led an army of right-wing extremists]
Marvel 21
Professor X Professor X (Charles Xavier) hero scientist
CBR Scale: S religious
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 4,999
Sister Prudence supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
Frau Reinhold villain
  [taught Baron Zemo's kidnapped Kinder in Castle Zemo] Marvel 2
Rhapsody Rhapsody (Rachel Argosy) villain
CBR Scale: S music
[music teacher] Marvel 4
Sister Rose Marie supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 3
Mrs. Rosen supporting character
 indeterminate  [one of her students almost found cocoon-incubating Spidey] Marvel 1
Larry Sawyer supporting character
  [special education teacher] Marvel 1
The Schizoid Man The Schizoid Man (Chip Martin) villain
  Empire State University; The Liberators... 
[has multiple personality disorder]
Marvel 5
Miss Skinner supporting character
  [teacher at Little Lotta's school] Harvey 1
Mr. Smidge supporting character
  [teacher at Little Lotta's school] Harvey 1
Miss Speld supporting character
  [her class was interrupted by Daredevil/Turk fight] Marvel 1
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker) hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
The Teacher The Teacher supporting character
  [did not want Mary's lamb at school, but noted her kindness] Marsh, Capen & Lyon 1
Dr. Joanne Tumolo Dr. Joanne Tumolo supporting character scientist
CBR Scale: S born human, became one of the Cat People; Feminist
[1st app: The Cat #1 (Nov. 1972)] Marvel 6
unnamed ballet instructor unnamed ballet instructor supporting character
  [one of Beth Ryker's ballet teachers] NBC 1
unnamed teacher of writing unnamed teacher of writing supporting character
  [1st app: Simple Simon's Schooling (1916)] Falstaff Comedies; Mutual Film, etc. 1
Sister Ursula supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic nun
[1st app: Life with Mother Superior (12 Sep. 1962)] Farrar, Straus and Giroux Columbia Pictures 2
Maria von Trapp Maria von Trapp non-feature lead character clergy/religious leader real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Catholic novice (Benedictine)
[matriarch of Trapp Family Singers] Lippincott 15
Mrs. Wegman supporting character
  [taught Anya Corazon (Arana)] Marvel 2
Jody Williams Jody Williams real/historical person
  [won Nobel Peace Prize for work against land mines] Marvel 7
Sonia Wu supporting character
  [Devlor's social studies teacher] Marvel 3