
References to and Quotes about
The Thing (Ben Grimm)

4 #28 (May 2006): "Private Lives, Public Faces", page 1, panel 2:
Susan Storm Richards: "Honestly, if I left it to Reed or the others, we'd be in a permanent state of bankruptcy."

Captain America (vol. 1) #170 (Feb. 1974): "J'accuse!", page 3, panel 4:
bystander (watching Captain America flee): "Stop him!"
Lee (police officer): "That's the strongest dude this side of The Thing! I'm sorry, man--but he's unstoppable!"

Marvel Knights Spider-Man #8 (Jan. 2005): "Venomous: Part Four", page 7, panel 4:
Spider-Man (thinking, during battle with new Venom, Angelo Fortunato): "This is dangerous. Too many people around. A nerd that's suddenly as strong as The Thing just has too much to prove."