
Icon #12 (Apr. 1994):
by Jackie Ching, Wilfred Santiago, Mike Gustovich

Icon #12

Title: “Sanctimony”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Apr. 1994

Publisher: DC Milestone Media
Written by: Jackie Ching
Art by: Wilfred Santiago, Mike Gustovich

8 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Icon Icon (Augustus Freeman)
(lead character)
CBR Scale: I alien
The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 73
Rocket Rocket (Raquel Ervin) hero
  black; The Shadow Cabinet... 
[Icon's partner]
DC Milestone Media 58
Saul Katz supporting character
CBR Scale: U Jewish
[attorney] DC Milestone Media 4
Bilbo villain
CBR Scale: M radically pro-life
Society of the Cross
[Josie's boyfriend]
DC Milestone Media 1
Society of the Cross villain group
CBR Scale: D radically pro-life
[terrorist] DC Milestone Media 1
Gideon's Cord villain group
CBR Scale: D radically pro-life
[backed pro-life terrorists Society of the Cross] DC Milestone Media 1
Josie supporting character
  [teen pregnant at same time as her close friend, Rocket] DC Milestone Media 1
Amistad Augustus Ervin Amistad Augustus Ervin
supporting character
[child of teenage mom super-heroine Rocket]
DC Milestone Media 6

Summary (from

Rocket saves a pro-choice activist from a groups of terrorists. Raquel meets her friend Josie. Josie is also pregnant but has decided to have an abortion. Augustus is deciding whether to act as Gideon's Cord's (prolife organization) attorney. Raquel decides to help Josie. Icon and Rocket stop a terrorist attack, backed by Gideon's Cord, on a hospital. Raquel and Josie are in the clinic the next day when the terrorists attack again, including Josies's boyfriend. Both are stopped.