
Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #133 (Apr. 1973):
“Thundra at Dawn!”
by Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Ramona Fradon, Joe Sinnott

Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #133

Title: “Thundra at Dawn!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Apr. 1973

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway
Art by: Ramona Fradon, Joe Sinnott

17 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
The Thing The Thing (Ben Grimm) hero
CBR Scale: S Jewish
Fantastic Five; The Avengers...  Marvel 5,017
Human Torch Human Torch (Johnny Storm) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Fantastic Five; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 4,393
Mr. Fantastic Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) hero scientist
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I humanist; portrayed alternatively as explicitly believing in God and as atheist
Fantastic Five; Illuminati...  Marvel 4,661
Medusa Medusa (Medusalith Boltagon) hero
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 416
Alicia Masters Alicia Masters supporting character
  [blind sculptress; long-time Thing girlfriend] Marvel 416
Sandman Sandman (Flint Marko) villain hero
  Intruders (leader); Next Wave...  Marvel 388
Wizard Wizard (Bentley Wittman) villain
  Hood's Army; The Frightful Four (founder)...  Marvel 202
Trapster Trapster (Peter Petruski) villain
  Lethal Legion; The Frightful Four Marvel 176
Thundra Thundra villain hero
CBR Scale: D female supremacist
Code Red; Grapplers... 
[Empress of Femizonia; member of alt. universe Avengers]
Marvel 88
The Fantastic Four The Fantastic Four hero group
  [1st app: The Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #1 (Nov. 1961)] Marvel 100
The Frightful Four The Frightful Four villain group
  [1st app: Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #36 (Mar. 1965)] Marvel 141
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
Captain America Captain America (Steve Rogers)
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Redeemers; Secret Defenders...  Marvel Timely 5,992
The Hulk The Hulk (Bruce Banner)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed)
Hulkbusters; Pantheon...  Marvel 4,551
Iron Man Iron Man (Tony Stark)
CBR Scale: I futurist; technophile; mostly secular; sometimes prays; Alcoholics Anonymous
Force Works; Illuminati...  Marvel 5,673
Thor Thor (Donald Blake)
hero deity
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic deity
Asgardian; Cosmic Avengers...  Marvel 4,362
Luke Cage Power Man (Luke Cage)
CBR Scale: I Christian (denomination
black; Heroes for Hire... 
[formerly owned a bar and theater]
Marvel 951

Reprints of this comic:
Hulk: Raging Thunder #1 (Aug. 2008): "Thundra at Dawn!"