
The Falcon #3 (Jan. 1984):
by Christopher Priest (as Jim Owsley), M. D. Bright, Mike Gustovich

The Falcon #3

Title: “Faith!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Jan. 1984

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Christopher Priest (as Jim Owsley)
Art by: M. D. Bright, Mike Gustovich

13 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Falcon Falcon (Sam Wilson)
(lead character)
CBR Scale: S Baptist
black; SHIELD Super-Agents...  Marvel 531
Captain America Captain America (Steve Rogers) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Redeemers; Secret Defenders...  Marvel Timely 5,992
Electro Electro (Max Dillon) villain
  Doom's Brigade; Emissaries of Evil (Electro)...  Marvel 274
Redwing Redwing hero
CBR Scale: I N.A.
falcon; Pet Avengers
[falcon; partner of Falcon (Sam Wilson)]
Marvel 128
Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan supporting character hero real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Presbyterian (raised in Disciples of Christ)
Reagan's Raiders; X Presidents DC Marvel, etc. 583
Michael Tork supporting character
[Harlem-based police sargeant]
Marvel 22
Xeon villain
  The Legion (leader)
[leader of the Harlem-based Legion street gang]
Marvel 3
Dragon villain
  The Legion Marvel 2
RC villain
  The Legion Marvel 1
Mr. Brown supporting character
  [business owner; grocer] Marvel 1
Mr. Wilson supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Baptist preacher
[Falcon's father] Marvel 2
Sarah Wilson-Casper supporting character
CBR Scale: S Baptist
[Falcon's sister; Jim Wilson's mother]
Marvel 10
The Legion The Legion villain group
  [gang] Marvel 3