
New X-Men (vol. 2) #15 (Aug. 2005):
“School’s Out Forever”
by Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir, Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco

New X-Men (vol. 2) #15

Title: “School’s Out Forever”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Aug. 2005

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir
Art by: Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco

34 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Mirage Mirage (Danielle Moonstar) hero
CBR Scale: M Native American religion (Cheyenne) / Teutonic paganism
Mutant Liberation Front; Native American...  Marvel 470
Wolfsbane Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) hero
CBR Scale: M Presbyterian
Excalibur; The New Mutants...  Marvel 576
Karma Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh) hero
CBR Scale: S Catholic; LGBT
Academy of Tomorrow; Asian...  Marvel 260
Magma Magma (Amara Aquilla) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Hellions; New Hellions...  Marvel 269
Icarus Icarus (Joshua Guthrie) hero
CBR Scale: I Baptist
Xavier Institute: Hellions squad; Xavier Institute: New Mutants squad Marvel 21
Wind Dancer Wind Dancer (Sofia Mantega) hero
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Hellions; Hispanic...  Marvel 75
Wallflower Wallflower (Laurie Collins) hero
  Xavier Institute: New Mutants squad Marvel 53
Prodigy Prodigy (David Alleyne) hero
  black; Xavier Institute: New Mutants squad Marvel 106
Elixir Elixir (Josh Foley) hero
CBR Scale: S anti-mutant (former)
The Reavers; X-Force... 
[discovered powers while trying to join anti-mutant Reavers]
Marvel 118
Wither Wither (Kevin Ford) hero
  Xavier Institute: Hellions squad; Xavier Institute: New Mutants squad Marvel 49
Surge Surge (Nori Ashida) hero
  Asian; New X-Men...  Marvel 151
Tag Tag (Brian Cruz) hero
CBR Scale: I Catholic
black; Xavier Institute: Hellions squad Marvel 38
Dust Dust (Sooraya Qadir) hero
CBR Scale: M Sunni Muslim
Arab; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 102
Rockslide Rockslide (Santo Vaccarro) hero
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Hispanic; New X-Men...  Marvel 82
Hellion Hellion (Julian Keller) hero
  New X-Men; X-Men...  Marvel 44
Mercury Mercury (Cessily Kincaid) hero
  New X-Men; X-Men...  Marvel 121
Pixie Pixie (Megan Gwynn) hero
  X-Men; Xavier Institute: Paragons squad Marvel 50
Stepford Cuckoos Stepford Cuckoos (Celeste, Esme, Mindee, Phoebe, Sophie) hero
  Weapon Plus; X-Men (future)...  Marvel 147
Stepford Cuckoo Stepford Cuckoo (Mindee Cuckoo) hero
  Weapon Plus; Xavier Institute: Corsairs squad Marvel 156
Stepford Cuckoo Stepford Cuckoo (Phoebe Cuckoo) hero
  Weapon Plus; Xavier Institute: Corsairs squad Marvel 152
Stepford Cuckoo Stepford Cuckoo (Celeste Cuckoo) hero
  Weapon Plus; Xavier Institute: Corsairs squad Marvel 148
Blob Blob (Fred J. Dukes) villain hero
CBR Scale: S mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutants; Factor Three...  Marvel 403
Dryad (Callie Betto) supporting character
  Xavier Institute: Corsairs squad Marvel 12
Gail Collins supporting character
  [Wallflower's mother] Marvel 6
Cyclops Cyclops (Scott Summers)
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I Protestant; mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion...  Marvel 8,371
Phoenix Jean Grey
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Metro College; The Twelve...  Marvel 1,905
Wolverine Wolverine (James Howlett / Logan)
CBR Scale: S raised Protestant; sometimes atheist; has practiced Buddhism; skeptical seeker
Alpha Flight; Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy...  Marvel 10,615
White Queen White Queen (Emma Frost)
villain hero
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal); mutant supremacist
Academy of Tomorrow; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 3,409
Anole Anole (Victor Borkowski)
Alpha Squadron; Young X-Men Marvel 60
Multiple Man Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox)
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian; Buddhist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Fallen Angels...  Marvel 257
Siryn Siryn (Theresa Cassidy)
CBR Scale: S Catholic
Fallen Angels; X-Corporation...  Marvel 162
Exodus Exodus (Bennet du Paris)
CBR Scale: S Catholic (lapsed); mutant supremacist worshipper of Magneto
Brotherhood of Mutants; The Acolytes...  Marvel 102
Quill Quill (Max Jordan)
  Xavier Institute: Corsairs squad Marvel 29
Justin Pierce
supporting character
[nephew of anti-mutant villain Donald Pierce]
Marvel 9

Cover of New X-Men: Academy X #15
Cover artist signature, New X-Men: Academy X #15
Cover Date: August 2005
Publisher: Marvel

Story 1:
School's Out Forever
Pages: 23

Credits (as printed)
Writers: Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Pencils: Paco Medina
Inks: Juan Vlasco
Colors: Pete Pantazis
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Assistant Editor: Sean Ryan
Associate Editor: Nick Lowe
Editor: Mike Marts
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada
Publisher: Dan Buckley

Cover Price: $2.99
Cover Artist(s): Michael Ryan

Cover Blurb(s): [none]
Featured on Cover: Wind Dancer (Sofia Mantega), Prodigy (David Alleyne), Surge (Noriko Ashida), Elixer (Josh Foley), Wallflower (Laurie Collins), Icarus (Josh "Jay" Guthrie), The Blob (Fred J. Dukes)

Letter column: no
Detail from cover of New X-Men: Academy X #15