
Fantastic Four: The World’s Greatest Comics Magazine! #2 (Mar. 2001):
“The Sinister Secret of the Sentry!”
by Erik Larsen, Eric Stephenson, Bruce Timm, Keith Giffen, etc.

Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comics Magazine! #2

Title: “The Sinister Secret of the Sentry!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Mar. 2001

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Erik Larsen, Eric Stephenson
Art by: Erik Larsen, Bruce Timm, Keith Giffen, Jorge Lucas, Al Gordon, Joe Sinnott

10 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
The Thing The Thing (Ben Grimm) hero
CBR Scale: S Jewish
Fantastic Five; The Avengers...  Marvel 5,017
Human Torch Human Torch (Johnny Storm) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Fantastic Five; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 4,393
Mr. Fantastic Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) hero scientist
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I humanist; portrayed alternatively as explicitly believing in God and as atheist
Fantastic Five; Illuminati...  Marvel 4,661
Invisible Woman Invisible Girl (Susan Storm Richards) hero
CBR Scale: S Episcopalian
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 4,069
The Sub-Mariner The Sub-Mariner (Namor) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman
classical religion
Atlantean; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 1,864
Doctor Doom Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom) villain scientist
CBR Scale: S Gypsy/Roma; magic/mysticism
Fearsome Four; The Cabal Marvel 1,176
Crystal Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin Maximoff) hero
CBR Scale: S Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 531
Lord Vashti Lord Vashti supporting character
CBR Scale: R Atlantean Greco-Roman
classical religion
[Grand Vizier of Atlantis; very loyal to Namor]
Marvel 94
Sentry 459 Sentry 459 (Kree Inter-Galactic Sentry 459) villain
CBR Scale: I N.A.
Heavy Metal Marvel 28
Kree Kree
(behind the scenes)
supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Kree religion
[alien race] Marvel 238