
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995): “Lucky Leon”
by Chris Ruppenthal, Jim Pohl

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16

Title: “Lucky Leon”

Medium: television series episode

Original airdate: 12 Mar. 1995

Publisher: ABC
Written by: Chris Ruppenthal
Directed by: Jim Pohl

6 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Superman Superman (Clark Kent) hero
CBR Scale: S Methodist / Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; Super Friends...  DC 13,409
Lois Lane Lois Lane supporting character
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Raleigh College
[Superman's girlfriend, then wife]
DC 3,859
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen supporting character hero
CBR Scale: I Lutheran
The Legion of Super-Heroes
[Superman's pal]
DC 1,896
Perry White Perry White supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Baptist; Elvis worship (ordained)
[Superman's (Clark Kent's) boss; Daily Planet editor] DC 1,574
Jonathan Kent Jonathan Kent supporting character
CBR Scale: S Methodist
[Superman's adoptive father] DC 816
Martha Kent Martha Kent supporting character
CBR Scale: S Methodist
[Superman's adoptive mother] DC 827

Timecode: 1 minute, 50 seconds: Lois Lane and Clark Kent are still trying to schedule their first official "date" together. Clark Kent asked Lois Lane out on a date three episodes ago, but they still have not been able to make it happen.

BELOW: Lois Lane and Clark Kent try to schedule a date, but Lois has tae kwon do and a National Organization of Women Journalists meeting:

Lois Lane and Clark Kent try to schedule a date, but Lois has tae kwon do and a National Organization of Women Journalists meeting larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: I think what we should do is pick a date and just do it.

Clark Kent: Okay, fine. How about Thursday?

Lois Lane: Um . . . Thursday's no good. I have my National Organization of Women Journalists meeting. How about Wednesday?

Clark Kent: Perry wants us to cover that Society for Microentomologists Convention. The bug people. Remember?

Lois Lane: Mercifully, I forgot.

Clark Kent: How about tonight?

Lois Lane: Hmm . . . I have my brown belt exam for tae kwon do.

Jimmy Olsen: [walking up to the reporting team] Uh, am I sensing a problem?

Clark Kent: No. Nothing Jimmy Carter couldn't negotiate.

Timecode: 4 minutes, 32 seconds: Before the opening credits, a police detective arrived at the Daily Planet and arrested Jimmy Olsen on a murder charge. Jimmy did not commit the crime, but he had unknowingly delivered the package (while working a second job as a delivery truck driver) that caused the murder. Now Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Perry White discuss this case with assistant district attorney Mayson Drake (or "Mason Drake"). They talk in Perry White's office. In this scene, note that Perry White's beloved idol Elvis Presley can clearly be seen in the framed photo on the shelf behind his desk.

BELOW: Perry White: Elvis-worshipper:

Perry White: Elvis-worshipper

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Perry White explains that he has arranged bail for Jimmy Olsen. Jimmy Olsen has "kind of become like a son" to Perry. Mayson Drake informs Lois, Clark and Perry that Jimmy Olsen is still considered a suspect in the murder case.

After concluding business, Mayson Drake stands up and begins to leave the office. She stops to ask Clark out on a date. She evidently still is enamored with him, although Clark has not encouraged Mayson much, and Clark really is only thinking about Lois.

Timecode: 4 minutes, 55 seconds:

Mayson Drake: Clark, I was wondering if you're free tonight. I have some tickets to a play.

[Clark is a bit surprised to hear Mayson ask him out again. He probably thought that after what happened two episodes ago, Mayson would not ask him out again. In that episode, Clark was with Lois Lane when she stole Mayson's beeper and used it to find a major witness who was hiddden in federal protection. Clark used his friendship with Mayson (and her attraction to him) to get information for his news story, and he didn't share important information with Mayson.]

[Clark know looks surprised. He looks first at Mayson, then at Lois, who is standing right next to them.]

Clark Kent: Um . . . Well, that's, uh . . .

Lois Lane: Such an unfortunate case of bad timing. Clark's busy tonight. He and I have plans.

[Mayson eyes Lois. It is clear to her that Lois is competing with he for Clark's attention.]

Mayson Drake: Hmm. Maybe some other time then.

[Mayson Drake walks away.]

Clark Kent: [to Lois] Plans? We have plans?

[Jimmy Olsen arrives back at the Daily Planet with Clark Kent and Lois Lane. The three of them just spent four hours on a freeway outside of Metropolis hoping to catch a secret shipment from Lucky Leon (the villain of the episode). But it was a wild goose chase. They saw nothing. Perry White sees Jimmy arrive. He had been worried about Jimmy.]

Perry White: Jimmy, come here. Where have you been? I've been calling you all day. For a minute there, I thought you had gone out of state. To, uh, well, check out Graceland or something.

BELOW: Graceland, the most holy site in Elvis Presley worship, is never far from Elvis-worshipper Perry White's mind:

Graceland, the most holy site in Elvis Presley worship, is never far from Elvis-worshipper Perry White's mind larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Jimmy Olsen: [chuckles] Don't worry, chief. Your $15,000 is safe.

[Perry paid $15,000 for Jimmy Olsen's bond. Perry will only get the money back if Jimmy shows up for trail.]

Perry White: Oh, hell's bells. I'm not worried about the money, and you shouldn't worry either. I've already spoken to the head legal counsel, and the Planet is gonna pick up all your legal bills should you have any. Which I'm sure you won't. But, uh, why don't we go in my office, we'll givethis guy a jingle, and you two can get acquainted. Sound good?

Jimmy Olsen: Sounds good.

Perry White: All right. come on.

[Perry White and Jimmy Olsen head into Perry's office. Cut to about an hour later. Lois Lane and Clark Kent watch while Jimmy Olsen and Perry White continue to talk about something in Perry's office.]

Lois Lane: I'd give anything to know what they're saying. It's been half an hour since that lawyer left.

[Clark Kent uses his super hearing to listen to what Perry White is saying. He starts repeating it for Lois, pretending that he is reading Perry's lips.]

Perry White: No, no, no. He was the King.

BELOW: For Elvis-worshipper Perry White, Elvis was the King:

For Elvis-worshipper Perry White, Elvis was the King larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Clark Kent: [To Lois] "No, no, no. He was the King."

Perry White: [to Jimmy] So the cape with the white jumpsuit was kind of a royal outfit . . .

Clark Kent: [to Lois] So the cape with the white jumpsuit was kind of a royal outfit . . .

[Lois Lane is having a hard time believing either that Clark can read lips so well, or that Perry is actually talking to Jimmy about Elvis again.]

Lois Lane: Get out.

Clark Kent: I'm serious.

Lois Lane: You can read lips from here? I thought I was good. What else can you do that I don't know about?

Clark Kent: Oh . . . I can order dinner in 347 languages.

BELOW: Perry White is worried about Jimmy but he's talking about Elvis Presley:

Perry White is worried about Jimmy but he's talking about Elvis Presley larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: See, that's the problem right there.

Clark Kent: What, did I just miss a turn someplace?

Lois Lane: Men cannot be direct with their feelings. Perry is worried about Jimmy, but he's talking about Elvis, and you were trying to remind me that you have not forgotten about our date tonight, but instead you joke about ordering dinner. Why can't you just say what you feel, unless you have something to hide?

Clark Kent: I guess people sometimes say things because they're fraid of being direct.

Lois Lane: Why? What's the worse that could happen?

Clark Kent: I don't know. The other person might not like what they hear. Or one person may not meet the other's expectations.

Lois Lane: Ha! There's another landmine.

Clark Kent: People shouldn't have to live up to expectations.

Lois Lane: Come on! We do it all the time.

Clark Kent: For example?

Lois Lane: For example, you're not going to wear that to dinner tonight, are you? We're both going home to change because we both have expectations about how each other is going to look.

[Lois rushes home to get dressed for her date with Clark Kent. We see scenes of both of them getting ready, trying to look their best. Lois seems particularly nervous and worried about how she looks. Both of them change many times. at 8:00 p.m., Clark picks Lois up at her apartment.]

Timecode: 22 minutes, 7 seconds: Lois Lane and Clark Kent are eating dinner at a nice restaurant.

BELOW: In high school, Clark Kent was a basic goody two-shoes:

In high school, Clark Kent was a basic goody two-shoes larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: Then when I was a senior in high school, I had a huge fight with my dad, and I moved out.

Clark Kent: You never told me that.

Lois Lane: Envy no veritas. [?] Anyway, he was always disappointed that he never had any sons.

Clark Kent: So you went out and became a world-famous reporter just to prove him wrong?

Lois Lane: Maybe. [Looking at Clark's plate.] You gonna finish that?

Clark Kent: So why don't you quit? I mean, now you can do anything that you want.

Lois Lane: I guess I found out I like it.

[Lois asks for a bite of Clark's dessert. She closes her eyes as he uses his fork to put a bite into her mouth. He feels strongly attracted to her as she takes the bit.]

Lois Lane: So what about you?

Clark Kent: No, I'm fine. It's all yours.

[Clark pushes the plate of dessert toward Lois.]

Lois Lane: No, I mean you and your parents. Did you ever have any big fights with them?

Clark Kent: Little ones. Nothing really big. I guess you could say I was your basic goody two-shoes.

Lois Lane: The perfect son.

BELOW: Clark Kent: it's not easy being perfect:

Clark Kent: it's not easy being perfect larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Clark Kent: You know, it's not easy being perfect. Actually, Jimmy still thinks that I should wear an earring.

Lois Lane: [chuckles] Clark Kent, the rebel without a flaw.

BELOW: Out on their first date, Lois Lane and Clark Kent discuss passion:

Out on their first date, Lois Lane and Clark Kent discuss passion larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Clark Kent: You know, when you think about it, the only time people ever really seem to express themselves, is when they're passionate, and that polite veneer of society drops off. You know, like when they're fighting.

Lois Lane: Or make love.

[This was an impulsive thing for Lois to say. Clark says nothing. Meaningful looks pass between them for a moment.]

BELOW: Lois Lane is embarrassed that she mentioned 'making love' while talking to Clark Kent:

Lois Lane is embarrassed that she mentioned 'making love' while talking to Clark Kent larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: Oh, my gosh.

[Lois puts her hand over her mouth, as if to scold herself or cover up what she just said. Lois and Clark both laugh slightly to break the tension.]

Lois Lane: Oh, it's almost midnight. We'd better go.

Clark Kent: Uh, yeah.

Timecode: 24 minutes, 16 seconds: Clark Kent brings Lois Lane to the door to her apartment.

Lois Lane: Well . . .

Clark Kent: Yeah.

[Lois Lane uses he key to open the door to her apartment. She opens the door slightly, turns, and stands in the doorway.]

BELOW: Lois Lane had a really, really nice time on her first date with Clark Kent:

Lois Lane had a really, really nice time on her first date with Clark Kent larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: Okay, look . . . um . . . Clark, I had a really nice time.

Clark Kent: So did I.

Lois Lane: No, really, I mean I had a really nice time. Probably one of the best times I've ever had. It wasn't the funniest or the wildest--

Clark Kent: --But don't knock yourself out, Lois.

BELOW: Lois Lane's date with Clark Kent really seemed to work, and that frightens her:

Lois Lane's date with Clark Kent really seemed to work, and that frightens her larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: --It just seemed to . . . work.

[Lois and Clark look at each other for a moment, saying nothing.]

Lois Lane: Huh. It's really nice.

[Lois Lane looks at Clark. Suddenly her demeanor changes.]

Lois Lane: That's why I can never see you again.

[Lois quickly steps into her apartment and shuts the door.]

Clark Kent: Lois?

[End of scene. Fade to black.]

Timecode: 25 minutes, 18 seconds: The next morning, Lois Lane enters Perry White's office. Note the framed photo of Elvis Presley clearly visible behind Perry White's desk.

Lois Lane: I need a new partner.

Perry White: I knew it. One bad date, there goes my whole newsroom. Why don't you just shoot me now. Send me up to Elvis.

BELOW: Perry White believes that when he dies and go to Heaven he will be greeted by his King: Elvis Presley:

Perry White believes that when he dies and go to Heaven he will be greeted by his King: Elvis Presley larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: Perry--

BELOW: Perry White hoped Mother Nature would smile upon Lois and Clark's relationship:

Perry White hoped Mother Nature would smile upon Lois and Clark's relationship larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Perry White: No, no, no. Lois, don't say it. You know, I have stood on the sidelines, hoping against hope that Mother Nature would smile on you two, that the bluebird of happiness would come down and light on your shoulder, that four-leaf clovers would sprout up whever you walk. And all the time, my gosh, you're singing a different aria.

Lois Lane: Perry--

Perry White: Lois, anybody with half a hemisphere can see that you two are gasoline and fire, TNT and matches, two trains headed towards each other--

Lois Lane: Perry!

[Perry stops his diatribe.]

Lois Lane: Thank you. The problem is, we didn't have a bad date.

Perry White: Oh.

Lois Lane: It was a really great date. And now I'm completely panicked, and I have no idea what to do next.

Perry White: Oh, oh, darling, come here, honey. Oh.

[Perry White gives Lois Lane a hug.]

Timecode: 28 minutes, 27 seconds: Clark wonders if he did something to offend Lois the night before. Lois Lane starts to explain to Clark why she was acting so peculiar. But then Mayson Drake arrives at the office and asks Clark to lunch.

Mayson Drake: Actually, I, uh, came to ask Clark to lunch. One of my New Year's resolutions is to be more decisive. Plus, it's much harder to reject somebody in person.

Clark Kent: That's nice, Mayson, but--

[Clark is about to tell Mayson he can't make it. Clark wants to continue his conversation with Lois. But Lois surprises everybody by insisting that Clark go to lunch with Mayson. What is she avoiding?]

Lois Lane: Go. I'll hold down the fort.

Clark Kent: Lois--

Lois Lane: No, it's okay. If anything breaks I'll call you. Have a good time.

[Mayson drags Clark Kent out to have lunch. While having lunch, Mayson Drake makes it clear that she cares very much for Clark, and she wants to know if he feels the same way. He says it isn't that simple. He tells Mayson he has feelings for her and thinks about her a lot, but he also cares for Lois. Clark seems to be trying to let Clark down easy. If he was really honest with Mayson (which he appears afraid to do), he would just tell her he is in love with Lois and be done with it. The way he hesitates, it allows Mayson to delude herself into thinking that she may yet still be able to win his heart. Then Clark gets a call from Lois, asking him to relay a message about an emergency to Superman. Clark rushes off. As he does so, Mayson says quietly: "I love you."]

Timecode: 33 minutes, 0 seconds:

Mayson Drake: Clark.

Clark Kent: Yes.

BELOW: Mayson Drake is in love with Clark Kent. His feelings are less enthusiastic.

Mayson Drake is in love with Clark Kent. His feelings are less enthusiastic. larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Mayson Drake: This isn't easy, but I'm sure it's obvious by the way I've been throwing myself at you that I have feelings for you. This is where you're supposed to say: "I have feelings for you too, Mayson."

Clark Kent: [tepidly] Well, I do.

Mayson Drake: [sarcastically] That was enthusiastic.

BELOW: Mayson Drake loves Clark Kent, but he is in love with Lois Lane:

Mayson Drake loves Clark Kent, but he is in love with Lois Lane larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Clark Kent: Mayson, I care about you, and I think about you a lot.

Mayson Drake: Then what's the problem?

Clark Kent: Uh . . . How do I say this?

Mayson Drake: Just tell me. Look, Clark, I'm a lawyer. I know you're hiding something. Something that's keeping us apart. What is it? I can handle it?

Clark Kent: Mayson, it's not that easy.

Mayson Drake: If it's Lois, just say it.

Clark Kent: I care for you. And I care for Lois.

[Long pause, as Mayson allows his words to sink in. What he said does not seem to have changed Mayson's decision to try to court Clark, however. She already knew that Lois was her romantic rival.]

Mayson Drake: Clark, I--

[Clark's cell phone rings.]

Clark Kent: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. [He answers his phone. Speaking to Lois on the phone:] Clark Kent . . . What? Lois, are you sure? Okay, I'll try to contact Superman as soon as I can. [Hangs up the phone. Speaks to Mayson.] I'm really sorry, Mayson, I have to go. I'm really sorry.

[Clark Kent stands up and rushes away.]

Mayson Drake: I love you.

[Lucky Leon, a former KGB gadget specialist who now works for Intergang tricks Superman into stealing nuclear arms from a military shipment and delivering them to terrorists. The Daily Planet staffers watch as a general tells a press conference what happened and then announces an executive order for the U.S. military to end the threat and take down Superman.]

Timecode: 36 minutes, 37 seconds:

BELOW: Assistant district attorney Mayson Drake thinks Superman is a criminal:

Assistant district attorney Mayson Drake thinks Superman is a criminal larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Perry White: Boy, I just never thought I'd see the day that Superman would turn to crime.

Mayson Drake: I've said all along that he's a menace. Now he's proved it.

Clark Kent: He's been tricked, Chief, I'm positive.

Lois Lane: Superman would never help terrorists.

Perry White: Yeah, well, why isn't he out there trying to make good?

Mayson Drake: Because he's a criminal. That's why.

Clark Kent: You know, I just remembered something really important I have to do. Excuse me.

Perry White: More important than a bunch of terrorists blowing us all from here to Elvis and back? Now, you get your butt over there in that chair and start typing. [To Lois] And you too. I want everything you got on this mess, and I want it in a half an hour.

BELOW: Yes, Perry White really does believe he will see Elvis Presley in the afterlife:

Yes, Perry White really does believe he will see Elvis Presley in the afterlife larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Lois Lane: Right, chief.

Mayson Drake: Clark, I guess I picked a bad time to finish our conversation. But, you still owe me for lunch.

[Superman thwarts Lucky Leon's attempt to deliver the nuclear warheads he stole to Intergang. Supeman apprehends Lucky Leon and the Intergang chief he had been working with. The Pentagon clears Superman of all wrongdoing.]

Timecode: 41 minutes, 17 seconds:

Jimmy Olsen: Um, thanks you guys, for clearing my name.

Perry White: No problemo. Now, Jimmy . . . remember when I was talking about Elvis' cape? Well, I forgot to mention that a lot of people think that Superman got his idea for his cape from Elvis.

BELOW: Perry White thinks that Superman may have gotten his idea for a cape from Elvis Presley:

Perry White thinks that Superman may have gotten his idea for a cape from Elvis Presley larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Timecode: 42 minutes, 33 seconds: Clark Kent and Lois Lane walk away from the Daily Planet building together after leaving work.

BELOW: Lois Lane risked her life to rescue Clark Kent:

Lois Lane risked her life to rescue Clark Kent larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Clark Kent: Lois, I don't really know exactly how to say this but . . . why did you come back to me tonight at the factory? I mean, you were running back into an atomic explosion.

Lois Lane: I know. It doesn't make to omuch sense, does it? I guess I just couldn't leave you there.

BELOW: Clark Kent and Lois Lane share their first real kiss:

Clark Kent and Lois Lane share their first real kiss larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

Clark Kent: You slammed the door in my face last night.

Lois Lane: That was . . . a mistake.

Clark Kent: Don't let it happen again.

Lois Lane: I guess we'll, um, just have to see how things go, won't we?

Clark Kent: Fortunately there's no doors here tonight.

Lois Lane: Fortunately.

[Clark Kent and Lois Lane kiss each other passionately. Not far away, Mayson Drake leaves her office building. She gets into her car and turns her key in the ignition. While in the middle of kissing Lois Lane, Clark Kent hears the sound of a bomb counting down. He rushes to Mayson Drake's car, but he is too late. A bomb planted by Intergang goes off, wounding her greviously. Clark tears off the car door and picks her up, putting her down on the pavement next to the burning car.]

Clark Kent: Mayson? Mayson?

[Mayson momentarily regains consciousness. She looks at Clark.]

Mayson Drake: Clark.

[Mayson looks at his chest. The explosion from her car burned the front of his shirt a bit. She can just barely see something underneath his shirt. She pushes the fabric of his shirt away and sees his Superman suit underneath.]

Mayson Drake: So that's what you've been hiding.

[Mayson is dying. She clings to Clark Kent so that her mouth is near his ear. She whispers a single word to him.]

Mayson Drake: Resurrection.

BELOW: A dying Mayson Drake utters one last word: Resurrection:

A dying Mayson Drake utters one last word: Resurrection larger larger larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.

[Mayson, her strength spent, falls limp, dead. What did she mean when she told Clark: "Resurrection"? Lois Lane has by now arrived on the scene. She looks on in horror as she sees that Mayson is dead.]

Lois Lane: Oh, my God.

[The camera slowly zooms out on the scene, framing the dead Mayson Drake cradled in the arms of Clark Kent, with Lois Lane standing by. Mayson's car continues to burn behind them. The words "To Be Continued" are shown on the screen as this episode ends. The closing credits begin to roll.]

BELOW: Mayson Drake dies in Clark Kent's arms:

Mayson Drake dies in Clark Kent's arms larger larger larger

Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 16 (12 Mar. 1995). Written by Chris Ruppenthal. Directed by Jim Pohl.