Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17
Title: “Resurrection”
Medium: television series episode
Original airdate: 19 Mar. 1995
7 characters in this story:
Character (Click links for info about character and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.) |
Religious Affiliation |
Team(s) [Notes] |
Pub. | # app. |
Kryptonians; Super Friends... | 13,409 | |||||||
Raleigh College [Superman's girlfriend, then wife] |
3,859 | |||||||
The Legion of Super-Heroes [Superman's pal] |
1,896 | |||||||
[Superman's (Clark Kent's) boss; Daily Planet editor] | 1,574 | |||||||
[Superman's adoptive father] | 816 | |||||||
[Superman's adoptive mother] | 827 | |||||||
[briefly dated Lois Lane] | , etc. | 3 |
[The episode begins with scenes from the previous episode. This episode, titled "Resurrection," is the second of a two-episode story. The previous episode ("Lucky Leon") showed Lois Lane and Clark Kent beginning to investigate a plot involving Intergang criminals and a drug that caused people's bodies to enter a death-like state, from which they could later be revived. Many of the details about this criminal scheme were unknown to Lois and Clark by the end of the episode. At the end of the episode, criminals killed Mayson Drake with a bomb that blew up when she turned her ignition. Before she died, however, Clark Kent pulled her out of the burning vehicle. Mayson said one final word to Clark: "Resurrection."]
[Mayson Drake, an assistant district attorney, was in love with Clark Kent, but she detested Superman. Clark's feelings were conflicted. He was attracted to Mayson and told her that he cared for her, but really his heart belonged to Lois, and things were starting to get better between he and Lois on the romantic front. Lois and Clark finally had their first official date the night before Mayson Drake died. Just minutes before Mayson died, Lois and Clark shared their first kiss.]
Timecode: 0 minutes, 40 seconds: After scenes from the previous episode are shown, this episode opens with the funeral of Mayson Drake.
The funeral of Mayson Drake is clearly a Christian ceremony. From the appearance of the minister who officiates, it appears that Mayson was a Protestant, although we can't be certain about what denomination. Probably mainline (or "old line") Protestant, but not Episcopalian.
BELOW: Clergyman delivers eulogy and leads prayer at the funeral of Mayson Drake:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Pastor: Life is but a journey. The road may be long, the road may be short. In the case of Mayson Drake, it was tragically short. Let us pray. [Reads aloud from book.] "Into your hands, Oh, Lord, we commend thy faithful servant, Mayson Drake. Receive her into the arms of thy mercy and to the blessed rest of everlasting peace. Amen."
BELOW: Into your hands, Oh, Lord, we commend thy faithful servant, Mayson Drake:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
[The pastor appears to be reading from the book he holds in his hands. Is it a Bible or a denomination-specific book of prayer?]
[As the pastor finishes this prayer, Clark opens his mouth and movies his lips slightly. He appears as if he may be silently mouthing the word "Amen."]
BELOW: Clark Kent recalls Mayson Drake's last word before she died: Resurrection.
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Lois Lane: [to Clark] Are you okay?
Clark Kent: The last thing she said to me was "resurrection." What was she trying to tell me?
Lois Lane: Maybe you'd like a few minutes alone. I'll meet you at the car.
[After the funeral of Mayson Drake, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White return to the offices of the Daily Planet. While at the cemetery, Lois Lane thought she saw a body in a casket move. She doesn't know it yet, but this was the body of a criminal who was smuggled out of prison after taking a drug that simulated death. When Lois returned with Clark to look at the body, the other criminals had given him more of the drug so he went back into his death-like state; this way he could be revived later when nobody was around. But Lois thus had no way to show anybody that the body was alive. Clark convinced Lois that she had imagined it because she had been under a lot of stress.]
[Now, back at the Daily Planet, Lois still wants to investigate. When Jimmy Olsen asks Lois if he can borrow her car (his is in the shop), she agrees, but asks him to do a favor for her.]
Timecode: 5 minutes, 32 seconds:
Lois Lane: Tell you what. I'll lend you my car if you call Perpetual Pines and find out who they just buried in plot 29-B.
BELOW: Mayson Drake was buried at Perpetual Pines cemetery:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
[The only lead Lois and Clark have in their investigation into the bombing of Mayson Drake's car is that the bomb seems to be the work of Sean Macarthy, a criminal who died a few weeks ago in prison. Lois and Clark visit Sean Macarthy's mother: Colleen Macarthy. The woman is kindly and has a heavy Irish accent. She works on needlepoint while talking to Lois and Clark. The McCarthys are portrayed as a typical Irish Catholic family. Cleary Sean McCarthy himself was lapsed from following Church teachings, as he used his skills as a bombmaker in terrorist and criminal enterprises.]
Colleen Macarthy: That's a picture of Sean when he was 10. We took that the day before he blew up the garage. Look at those dimples. he was such a cute little boy. You know, Sean was actually responsible for me taking up needlepoint. When he went to prison, I had to figure out some way to support myself. Now I sell these at swap meets.
[Colleen Macarthy shows Lois and Clark the framed needlepoint she is working on. In front of a fiery image are the words "EAT MY DUST."]
BELOW: Lois Lane and Clark Kent interview the mother of Irish Catholic bombmaker Sean Macarthy:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Colleen Macarthy: Now, that's the last picture ever taken of Sean, two weeks before he died. Isn't he adorable?
Lois Lane: Um, Mrs. Macarthy, did Sean have any friends?
Colleen Macarthy: Only one that I know of. They were penpals.
Clark Kent: They wrote to each other?
Colleen Macarthy: Heavens, no. They met in the pen. [chuckles] You know, I think that he might have mentioned him in one of these letters that he wrote me from prison. [The teapot can be heard.] Oh. Tea's ready. I'll be right back.
[Colleen Macarthy puts the stack of letters down on the table. She gets up to go get tea for he guests. Lois picks up the stack of letters and begins looking through it.]
BELOW: The letter Sean Macarthy wrote the day before he died: 'just know that I'm in a far better place':
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Lois Lane: Oh, look. This one was sent the day before he died. [Read from the letter.] "This is probably the last letter I will be writing you from prison. If you don't hear from me, don't worry, just know that I'm in a far better place."
Clark Kent: Sounds like a man who knew he was gonna die.
[Cut to: Stanley Gables (played by actor Dennis Lipscomb), the principle villain of this episode, talks with his henchman, Albie Swinson (played by actor Curtis Armstrong).]
Stanley Gables: [looking at an article from a scientific journal.] Listen to this, Albie. "Brilliant scientist invents new diet pill." I suppose STAR Labs will give him, what, a blue ribbon and a new car? All they gave me was a pink slip.
Albie Swinson: For one little mistake.
Stanley Gables: Hey, I didn't make a mistake, they did.
BELOW: Murderous and narcisistic vilain Stanley Gables: 'You don't achieve greatness by playing by the rules!':
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Albie Swinson: Oh, absolutely, sir. It's just that you did mention to me that STAR Labs had not authorized the experiment you were working on.
Stanley Gables: Listen, Albie, you don't achieve greatness by playing by the rules!
Albie Swinson: With all due respect, sir, I don't know if the four technicians who died of the Alpha virus would feel the same.
Stanley Gables: What about my pain, huh? Every day, this virus eats away another piece of me. So don't think I don't know about sacrifice.
Albie Swinson: Um, Mr. Gables, I don't wish to upset you any further, but we did run into a little snag with the letters.
Stanley Gables: Tell me they were destroyed.
Albie Swinson: Um . . . No. Superman showed up.
Stanley Gables: I'm hyperventilating, Albie.
Albie Swinson: Please, Mr. Gables, the stress is very bad for you. Why don't we just rethink the whole idea.
BELOW: Stanley Gables intends to kill everybody in Metropolis. The Resurrection pill is part of his plan:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Stanley Gables: I tried the legal system and it failed me. The people of Metropolis have spoken, and now they're gonna suffer the same way I am.
Albie Swinson: I thought that it was STAR Labs that you wanted to hurt. You mean, you want to kill everybody in Metropolis?
Stanley Gables: If I just wanted to destroy STAR Labs, Albie, I would've burned it to the ground. I wouldn't have invented the Resurrection pill, and gathered the three best criminals in the world! Which reminds me, we have work to do.
[Ominous music plays on the underscore. Stanley Gables truly does intend to kill everybody in Metropolis as revenge for his pain. Stanley Gables sits down at his desk. He pushes a button that sounds a buzzer. The door to the opulent office opens. Sean Macarthy steps into the room.]
Sean Macarthy: You needed something, Mr. Gables?
Stanley Gables: Yes, Mr. Macarthy, I do.
[End of scene.]
Timecode: 17 minutes, 5 seconds: Clark Kent arrives at Lois Lane's apartment with 4 large library books in his arms. He knocks.
Clark Kent: Lois?
Lois Lane: It's open, Clark.
BELOW: Clark Kent and Lois Lane research Resurrection by reading Jung, Tolstoy, Bartlett:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Clark Kent: I, uh, picked up some books from the library. Bartlett's Quotations, Jung's Collective Unconscious, Tolstoy. Anything with any reference to resurrection.
[As Clark Kent sits down, Lois Lane offers him a food item she was preparing in the kitchen. Then she offers him a glass of wine.]
BELOW: Clark Kent has avoided speaking to Lois Lane about their relationship ever since their first kiss:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Clark Kent: Lois, is there any reason why we're not getting down to work here?
Lois Lane: Actually, there is. I wanted to ask you something. I need to know if I'm yesterday's news.
[Lois Lane's words here may be prompted in part by her earlier conversation with Jimmy Olsen. When Jimmy mentioned he is taking out a new girl he met at Mayson Drake's funeral, Lois asked about Angela, who Jimmy had previously dated. Jimmy said that Angela was "yesterday's news," and that because he was young and single, he needed to keep his options open. Jimmy later admitted that Angela had dumped him for a guy with a Ferarri, but the conversation has evidently weighed heavily on Lois Lane's mind.]
Clark Kent: What?
Lois Lane: You know. Stale, old. I mean, it's been a week since our first date and our first kiss. You haven't said a word about it. It's like it never happened.
Clark Kent: Lois, I'm sorry if it feels like I've been ignoring you lately, but--
[Before Clark Kent can finish his sentence, there is a knock at the door. It is Agent Daniel Scardino, the handsome DEA agent that Lois and Clark met earlier. He is working on the same case that they are investigating. Lois felt strongly attracted to the "loose cannon," freewheeling agent whose manner stands in such stark contrast to the buttoned-down Clark Kent.]
[While talking to Lois and Clark, Agent Scardino tells them that he has been reading Mayson Drake's diary.]
Agent Daniel Scardino: [upon seeing Clark] Look who's here. If it isn't the man with the smoldering eyes.
Clark Kent: [wondering if Scardino knows about his heat vision, but not giving anything away.] What are you talking about?
Agent Daniel Scardino: Mayson's diary. Pretty steamy stuff. Read like an Emily Bronte novel.
Lois Lane: You read Emily Bronte?
Agent Daniel Scardino: Well, what can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic... Anyway, Kent. She wrote some really passionate purple prose, mainly about you. And you said you two were just friends. You holding out on me, Kent?
Lois Lane: Uh, you have to understand. Clark was probably the only person ion Metropolis that didn't know that Mayson was madly in love with him.
BELOW: Mayson Drake wrote purple prose about Clark Kent; she was madly in love with him:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Clark Kent: Who's holding out on who, Scardino? You took the diary.
Agent Daniel Scardino: I'm willing to share. You work with me, I'll work with you. [Tosses the diary to Clark.] Now, what have you got for me?
BELOW: Before she died, the last thing Mayson Drake wrote in her diary was about Resurrection:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Lois Lane: Well, the last word Mayson said before she died was, "Resurrection."
Agent Daniel Scardino: The last entry in her diary was "Resurrection equals Macarthy" with a question mark.
Timecode: 19 minutes, 55 seconds: Lois and Clark discuss their investigation at the Daily Planet.
BELOW: Did Sean Macarthy have a different meaning for life after death? 'What if he wasn't talking about the hereafter'?
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Clark Kent: Still reading Macarthy's letters?
Lois Lane: Yeah. You know, I've been thinking abou this last letter that he wrote, about being in a better place. What if he wasn't talking about the hereafter. What if he was just talking about a better place outside the prison walls.
Clark Kent: So you're saying you think he faked his own death?
Timecode: 22 minutes, 13 seconds: We see Stanley Gables undergoing acupuncture treatment for his pain. Stanley Gables' chief toadie, Albie, is performing the acupuncture himself. Stanely Gables plans the theft of a deadly virus from STAR Labs with two of the criminals he has brought out of prison using his Resurrection pill: Sean Macarthy and Diego Martinez (the man that Lois saw being buried alive at the cemetery). Like his mother, Sean Macarthy has a heavy Irish accent. It seems apparent that he spent most of his life in Ireland, where he was a terrorist bomb maker in the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.
BELOW: Stanley Gables's toadie Albie Swinson performs acupuncture on his boss, but is uncomfortable with the plan to subject everyone in Metropolis to a painful death:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Sean Macarthy: Exactly what makes this virus so special?
Stanley Gables: It's airborne. It's lethal. And there's no cure. Anyone who comes in contact with it will die a very painful death...
Albie Swinson: Um, sir, are you sure there isn't any other way we can get even with Metropolis?
Stanley Gables: Getting cold feet, Albie?
BELOW: Villainous scientist Stanley Gables doesn't mind killing everyone in Metropolis with a virus. He thinks only of himself and his own pain:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Albie Swinson: No. No, no sir. No. It's just . . . Well, exposing everyone to a lethal virus seems . . . I don't know . . . a little severe.
Stanley Gables: Nobody cared about my life!!
Albie Swinson: I did.
Stanley Gables: Oh, yes. Yes, you did.
[Albie Swinson, the obsequious toadie, nods hopefully. He seems to have deep affection for his evil boss.]
Stanley Gables: Big deal.
[When Lois Lane and Clark Kent piece together more clues, they realize that somebody is using the pills that Mayson Drake had found about to smuggle people out of prison. They realize that for this scheme to work, the funeral home would have to be in on the scheme. They visit the funeral parlor. Timecode: 26 minutes, 43 seconds:]
[Lois Lane looks at a casket which has what she considers a garish color scheme.]
BELOW: Lois Lane: 'Who would want to spend eternity in that?':
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Lois Lane: Who would want to spend eternity in that?
Clark Kent: Someone who had their eyes closed?
[At the cemetery, bad guys try to kill Lois Lane. Agent Daniel Scardino intervenes and saves Lois Lane's life just moments before Superman arrives to do the same. Superman leaves, and Clark Kent shows up again. Clark and Agent Daniel Scardino both want to stay with Lois to protect her from further attempts on her life, but she insists she'll be fine on her own. Later at her apartment, she is just getting out of the shower when she hears a man in her apartment. It is Agent Daniel Scardino. He had tried knocking, but she was in the shower so she didn't hear. After they talk for a while, Clark Kent knocks on the door. Clark talks to Lois about some new facts he learned for their investigation. Lois keeps Clark at the door. She is still wearing her pajamas and her hair is still wet from her shower. She doesn't want Clark to see Agent Daniel Scardino, but then the agent walks up and stands behind Lois. It looks to Clark like something romantic and physical was going on between Lois and Agent Scardino.]
BELOW: Clark Kent gets the wrong idea and is shocked and disappointed when he sees Agent Daniel Scardino in Lois Lane's apartment when Lois just got out of the shower:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Clark Kent: Oh, there's more. According to the prison sign-in sheet, Albie visited Big Buster, Martinez, and Macarthy on the days that each of them "died." What do you think of that?
[Agent Daniel Scardino walks up and stands behind Lois. Clark Kent now sees for the first time that the DEA agent is there in Lois Lane's apartment.]
Agent Daniel Scardino: Fascinating. And well told too. Of course, you're a writer, so you're good with words.
[Clark Kent looks shocked. Lois Lane realizes what Clark is thinking. She doesn't want him to think something happened between her and the agent.]
BELOW: Lois Lane tries (unsuccessfully) to explain to Clark why Agent Scardino is in her apartment:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Lois Lane: Uh . . . Agent Scardino just dropped by to chat about the case.
Clark Kent: That must have bene some chat for you to need to shower.
[Clark's words sting Lois.]
Clark Kent: See you later.
[Clark Kent quickly walks away.]
Lois Lane: Clark.
[Lois calls after Clark. But he is already gone. She turns and faces Agent Scardino.]
Lois Lane: Uh, I think you better go.
Agent Daniel Scardino: Okay. But I'm not going far.
[Agent Daniel Scardino leaves. End of scene.]
Timecode: 34 minutes, 34 seconds: Lois Lane is sleeping in her bed. She receives a phone call.
Albie Swinson: [on phone] Miss Lane. My name is Albie Swenson. You've gotta help me. Please, the toxins in his body are poisoning his mind. He's going to kill innocent people.
Lois Lane: Who, Gables?
Albie Swinson: I can't say any more on the telephone. Meet me at Perpetual Pines, plot 29-B, in half an hour.
[Now we see that Stanley Gables was using a device to listen in on his toadie's phone conversation with Lois.]
Stanley Gables: Oh Albie, Albie, Albie. You disappoint me.
[Albie Swinson has long respected (and probably loved) Stanley Gables. But he could not bear to see his boss carry out his plan to kill everybody in Metropolis. He is trying to put a stop to the scheme by calling Lois.]
[Lois Lane leaves a message on Clark Kent's answering machine to tell him to join her at the Perpetual Pines. Unfortunately, Clark doesn't get Lois Lane's message. He is already at the Daily Planet, even though it is only 5:00 a.m. in the morning.]
Timecode: 35 minutes, 20 seconds:
Perry White: Clark! I thought I was the only one who came in with the roosters.
Clark Kent: I had a lot of research to do on a gy named Stanley Gables, chief. We think he might be tied into Mayson's death.
Perry White: Gables? Gables. I know that name. Wasn't that the, uh, fellow that used to work for STAR Labs?
Clark Kent: One of their top chemists. He created something called the Alpha virus.
BELOW: Villainous scientist Stanley Gables just wouldn't take responsibility for his own mistakes:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Perry White: That's right. He had an accident in his lab, and that virus killed four people.
Clark Kent: Yeah, apparently it wasn't authorized, so they fired him. Then he sued, blaming STAR Labs for the accident.
Perry White: Oh, yeah. I remember. Jury didn't buy it. In fact, we ran an editorial praising the verdict. You know, this guy just wouldn't take responsibility for his own mistakes.
Timecode: 38 minutes, 1 second: Lois Lane went to the cemetery to meet Albie Swinson. But because Stanley Gables intercepted the call, he sent another henchman to kill Lois. Lois flees from the man, who pulls a gun on her, and ends up hiding in a casket. It turns out to be the casket that Big Buster is hiding in. Big Buster, a midget, is the third and final master criminal that Stanley Gables is breaking out of prison in order to help him steal the Alpha virus from STAR Labs. Unfortunately, workmen put the casket into the ground and use a tractor to cover it with dirt. Lois tries shouting, but the noise they make is too loud for them to hear her shouts from within the casket.
BELOW: 'I must have really died because, Angel, this is heaven':
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Lois Lane: Oh, my God.
[Big Buster wakes up. He sees that he is in a casket with a beautiful woman.]
Big Buster: Oh, man. I must have really died because, Angel, this is heaven.
[Lois Lane screams.]
[Cut to a closeup of a computer on the desk in Stanley Gables' office. A custom program shows that the casket Lois and Big Buster were buried in is en route to the office.]
Timecode: 42 minutes, 13 seconds: Stanley Gable's criminal henchmen have just obtained the deadly Alpha virus from within STAR Labs. They hand the vial with the virus to Gables, who intends to release it into the atmosphere to kill everybody in Metropolis.
Stanley Gables: Everybody loves a good Stephen King novel. Now the city's going to live one.
[Superman lands on the roof of STAR Labs and confronts Stanley Gables and his henchmen.]
Superman: I don't usually hurt people on purpose, but for the killer of Mayson Drake, I might make an exception.
[Stanley Gables' three henchmen run away. Superman is principally interested in confronting Gables himself. He lets them go, knowing he can retrieve them later.]
Superman: [to the fleeing henchmen] Don't go far.
BELOW: Narcisistic scientist Stanley Gables thinks he'll have justice for his pain by killing everybody in Metropolis:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Stanley Gables: There's nothing more you can do to me beyond what STAR Labs has already done. Justice will be served.
[Stanley Gables holds up the vial, intending to shatter it to release the deadly virus.]
Superman: It's not justice when innocent people are made to suffer for your mistakes.
Stanley Gables: Oh? Yes it is.
[Stanley Gables laughs an evil laugh and then tosses the vial onto the cement surface of the roof. It shatters. The virus starts to spread into the air. Superman uses his super breath to create a freezing cyclone which contains the virus and forms it into an icy spear. He tosses the spear into space.]
Stanley Gables: No!! No.
[After the case is wrapped up and the criminals apprehended, the Daily Planet prints the story under the headline: "DEATH PILL EXPOSED - SCIENTIST LINKED TO D.A.'S MURDER"]
BELOW: Elvis Presley worshipper Perry White doesn't understand a man like Stanley Gables, who wouldn't take responsibility for his own actions and blamed everyone else except himself for his problems:
Source: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 2, Episode 17 (19 Mar. 1995). Written by Gene Miller, Karen Kavner. Directed by Joseph Scanlan.
Perry White: Quite a story, kids. I'd give my set of gold-plated Elvis spoons to know what makes a guy like Gables tick.
Lois Lane: Well, that's the way it is today. Everybody sees themself as a victim.
Clark Kent: It's like nobody takes responsibility for their actions anymore.
Perry White: Well, I, for one, take responsibility for mine. Right now, I got a paper to put to bed, so I can get out of here in time to have a little candlelight dinner with Alice.
Lois Lane: Night, Perry.
Perry White: Night.
Clark Kent: Night, chief.
[Perry exits.]
Clark Kent: So, Lois, you wanna go see a movie or something?
Lois Lane: Yeah. That sounds nice. Something funny.
Clark Kent: Okay, I'll call and see what's playing.
[Agent Scardino drops by and flirts with Lois. He tells her that the DEA is keeping him in Metropolis for a while and he plans to ask her out some time. She says she doesn't know what she'll say if he asks her out. Agent Scardino smiles and walks away. Clark finishes calling to check to see what movie are playing. He holds up a pad of paper to show Lois the movie titles.]
Clark Kent: Well, it looks like you have some choices to make.
[Of course, Clark's words have a double meaning here. Will Lois choose to go out with Scardino, or will she continue daing Clark and make their dating exclusive?]