Blood Syndicate #34
Title: “The Clothes Have No Emperor”
Medium: comic
Cover date: Jan. 1996
14 characters in this story:
Text on cover:
"Monkey Pawns
Dakota's most powerful superteam travels to the mystical city of Kwen Lun -- but is it a one-way trip?"
Summary from now-defunct webpage at
We see Dogg running across Paris Island. The Monkey King convinces the Syndicate to go to Kwen Lun to save Kwai. We see Kwai sent to the Kingdom of Ti Yu (hell). Kwai is offered marriage to the Dog God to save her existence. Monkey King faces off with the Jade Emperor as the Syndicate follows Kwai's trail to Ti Yu. Back at the Factory we see Dogg attack Tech-9, Tech-9 shoots Dogg as the Demon Fox watches.