
Megaton Man (vol. 2) #1 (June 1989):
“They Call the Doctor... Software!”
by Don Simpson

Megaton Man (vol. 2) #1

Title: “They Call the Doctor... Software!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: June 1989

Publisher: Kitchen Sink Press
Written by: Don Simpson
Art by: Don Simpson

58 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Megaton Man Megaton Man (Trent Phloog)
(lead character)
  The Megatropolis Quartet; VW Gang Kitchen Sink Press Image 65
Pamela Jointly Pamela Jointly supporting character
CBR Scale: M Liberal
The University of Michigan
[muckraking liberal columnist; attacks Megaton Man in print]
Kitchen Sink Press 10
Yarn Man Yarn Man (Bing Gloom) hero
  The Megatropolis Quartet; VW Gang
[parody of Thing (Ben Grimm)]
Kitchen Sink Press 26
Liquid Man Liquid Man (Rex Rigid) hero scientist
  The Megatropolis Quartet
[parody of Mr. Fantastic]
Kitchen Sink Press 5
See-Thru Girl See-Thru Girl (Stella Starlight) hero
  The Megatropolis Quartet; The University of Michigan
[parody of Invisible Woman; had affair w/Megaton Man]
Kitchen Sink Press 8
The Human Meltdown The Human Meltdown (Chuck Roast) hero
  The Megatropolis Quartet
[parody of Human Torch]
Kitchen Sink Press 2
Doctor Software Doctor Software (Julius Levitch) villain scientist based on a real person
  [based on Jerry Lewis] Kitchen Sink Press 5
Preston Percy Preston Percy supporting character
[Megaton Man's best pal; based in part on Jimmy Olson]
Kitchen Sink Press 19
Rudy Mayo Rudy Mayo supporting character
  [city editor; partially based on Perry White] Kitchen Sink Press 9
Professor Levitch Professor Levitch supporting character scientist based on a real person
  [based on Jerry Lewis] Kitchen Sink Press 3
Harry Foster Lime Harry Foster Lime supporting character based on a real person
  [based on Orson Welles] Kitchen Sink Press 8
The Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project supporting character group
  [newspaper Megaton Man and friends work for] Kitchen Sink Press 15
The Megatropolis Quartet The Megatropolis Quartet hero group
  [Fantastic Four parody] Kitchen Sink Press 18
The Contraptoid The Contraptoid villain
CBR Scale: D N.A.
[scientist] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Bullet Bumpkin Bullet Bumpkin
(3-panel cameo, pg. 8, panels 8-10)
supporting character
  [bully at university Megaton Man attended] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Suzy Saccharin Suzy Saccharin
(2-panel cameo, pg. 8, panels 10-11)
supporting character
  [Megaton Man's university classmate; liked him] Kitchen Sink Press 1
reporters reporters
(1-panel cameo, pg. 31, panel 3) 
supporting character group real/historical person
  [occupation] DC Marvel, etc. 100
Tad Tad
(1-panel cameo, pg. 10, panel 1) 
supporting character
  [young boy with dog] Kitchen Sink Press 4
Rover Rover
(1-panel cameo, pg. 10, panel 1) 
supporting character
CBR Scale: D N.A.
[Tad's loyal pet]
Kitchen Sink Press 4
(1-panel cameo, pg. 8, panel 2) 
  [Megaton Man's WWII-era sidekick; Bucky parody] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Aunt Petunia Aunt Petunia
(1-panel cameo, pg. 8, 25) 
supporting character
  [Megaton Man's poor, dear, sweet, fragile aunt] Kitchen Sink Press 1
tribe of intelligent kangaroos tribe of intelligent kangaroos
(1-panel cameo, pg. 22, panel 3) 
supporting character group
CBR Scale: D uplifted animals
[lost tribe; raised Megaton Man]
Kitchen Sink Press 1
Pete Pete
(1-panel cameo, pg. 30, panel 7) 
supporting character
  [copy boy] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Casper W. Weinberger Casper W. Weinberger
(voice only) 
hero real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Reagan's Raiders Solson Publications 18
Sid Sid
(voice only, pg. 16, 25) 
supporting character
  [advisor; government official] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Jack Jack
(voice only, pg. 16, panels 1-4) 
supporting character
  [advisor; government official] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Howie Howie
(voice only, pg. 25, panels 5-8) 
supporting character
  [in White House, discusses latest crisis] Kitchen Sink Press 1
The Thing The Thing (Ben Grimm)
(character based on) 
CBR Scale: S Jewish
Fantastic Five; The Avengers...  Marvel 5,017
Human Torch Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
(character based on) 
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Fantastic Five; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 4,393
Mr. Fantastic Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards)
(character based on) 
hero scientist
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I humanist; portrayed alternatively as explicitly believing in God and as atheist
Fantastic Five; Illuminati...  Marvel 4,661
Invisible Woman Invisible Woman (Susan Storm Richards)
(character based on) 
CBR Scale: S Episcopalian
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 4,069
Lois Lane Lois Lane
(character based on) 
supporting character
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Raleigh College
[Superman's girlfriend, then wife]
DC 3,859
Jimmy Olsen Jimmy Olsen
(character based on) 
supporting character hero
CBR Scale: I Lutheran
The Legion of Super-Heroes
[Superman's pal]
DC 1,896
Perry White Perry White
(character based on) 
supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Baptist; Elvis worship (ordained)
[Superman's (Clark Kent's) boss; Daily Planet editor] DC 1,574
Jerry Lewis Jerry Lewis
(character based on) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Jewish
[actor; comedian] DC Atlas, etc. 309
Orson Welles Orson Welles
(character based on) 
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Christian (denomination
[actor; film director...] Marvel 262
Citizen Kane Citizen Kane (Charles Foster Kane)
(character based on) 
non-feature lead character based on a real person
  [owned 37 newspapers, radio station] RKO Radio Pictures 4
Garry Trudeau Garry Trudeau
(character based on) 
real/historical person
  [creator of popular, topical Doonsbury strip] ABC 7
God God
(mentioned, pg. 30, panel 4) 
deity real/historical person
CBR Scale: D God
[1st app: Old Testament (1402 B.C.)] various 313
Superman Superman (Clark Kent)
(mentioned, pg. 22, panel 1) 
CBR Scale: S Methodist / Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; Super Friends...  DC 13,409
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
(mentioned, pg. 8, 22, panel 1) 
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
Captain America Captain America (Steve Rogers)
(mentioned, pg. 8, 22, panel 2) 
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Redeemers; Secret Defenders...  Marvel Timely 5,992
The Hulk The Hulk (Bruce Banner)
(mentioned, pg. 22, panel 5) 
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed)
Hulkbusters; Pantheon...  Marvel 4,551
Aunt May Aunt May
(mentioned, pg. 8, panel 1) 
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Protestant
[raised Peter Parker (Spider-Man)] Marvel 1,368
Nazis Nazis
(mentioned, pg. 8, panel 2) 
villain group real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Nazi
[generic WWII Nazis] Timely Marvel, etc. 4,222
Elvis Presley Elvis Presley
(mentioned, pg. 27, panel 2) 
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Assemblies of God
[singer] Marvel DC 444
Aunt Petunia Aunt Petunia (Petunia Grimm)
(mentioned, pg. 8, panel 1) 
supporting character
CBR Scale: I resurrected
HYDRA; Lethal Legion (leader)... 
[The Thing's aunt]
Marvel 1
Spa-Fon Spa-Fon
(mentioned, pg. 27, panel 7) 
supporting character
CBR Scale: M alien religion
[gave Messianic-Siddha powers to The Captain (Nextwave)] Marvel 1
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare
(mentioned, pg. 3, panel 2) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Catholic/Anglican
[actor; poet...] Marvel DC 83
Sophocles Sophocles
(mentioned, pg. 3, panel 2) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: U Greco-Roman classical religion
[playwright] Marvel 6
Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan
(mentioned, pg. 25, panel 2) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Baptist/Methodist (raised); agnostic (temporary); Catholic (convert)
[coined terms "medium is the message", "global village"] Marvel 10
Communists Communists
(mentioned, pg. 16, panels 13-15) 
supporting character villain group
CBR Scale: D Communist
[general reference; frequent Cold War-era villains] Marvel DC 242
Maynard F. Trombone Maynard F. Trombone
supporting character based on a real person
  [based on Garry Trudeau; writes respected strip "Doomesbury"] Kitchen Sink Press 3
Ingmar Bergman Ingmar Bergman
(mentioned, pg. 3, panel 2) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Lutheran; agnostic
[film director; screenwriter] Sveriges Radio 47
The Revisionist Historian The Revisionist Historian
(mentioned, pg. 3, panels 1-2) 
  [time-traveller] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Erma Bombeck Erma Bombeck
(mentioned, pg. 10, panel 1) 
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M United Brethren (raised); Catholic (convert)
[columnist; writer] CBS 11
John Portman John Portman
(mentioned, pg. 15, panel 5) 
supporting character real/historical person
  [modernist] American Public Television; CaraMar 1
? Phloog ? Phloog
(mentioned, pg. 29, panel 3) 
supporting character
  [child of Megaton Man, See-Thru Girl] Kitchen Sink Press 1

This comic was reprinted from: Megaton Man (vol. 1) #1 (Nov. 1984): "They Call the Doctor... Software!".

This publication, as stated on the cover is a "Special Reprint Edition of the Bombastic 1st Issue."