Primary Sources Indexed
Sources published in Dec 2003
59 sources
Agent X
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #500 (Dec. 2003): "Happy Birthday: Part Three"
Batman (vol. 1) #620 (Dec. 2003): "Broken City, Part One"
Captain America (vol. 4) #19 (Dec. 2003): "Captain America Lives Again: Part III"
Catwoman (vol. 3) #24 (Dec. 2003): "Wild Ride, Conclusion: History"
Crimson Dynamo #2 (Dec. 2003): "Game Off!"
Elektra (vol. 2) #28 (Dec. 2003): "Dead to Rights"
Emma Frost #5 (Dec. 2003): "Higher Learning, Part 5 of 6"
The Eternal #5 (Dec. 2003)
Green Arrow (vol. 3) #31 (Dec. 2003): "Straight Shooter, Part Six"
Green Lantern (vol. 3) #170 (Dec. 2003): "Greetings from Sector 2814"
Harley Quinn #37 (Dec. 2003): "Behind Blue Eyes: Part Five"
Hawkeye (vol. 3) #1 (Dec. 2003): "The Hotter, the Better"
Hulk: Gray #1 (Dec. 2003): "A Is for Apple"
Inhumans (vol. 4) #6 (Dec. 2003): "Culture Shock, Part 3"
Iron Man (vol. 3) #73 (Dec. 2003): "Acquisition"
JSA #53 (Dec. 2003): "Blinded"
Kade #1 (Dec. 2003): "Pursuit"
Kingpin #5 (Dec. 2003): "Thug, Part 5"
The Legion #25 (Dec. 2003): "Foundations"
Muffin Man (2003)
Mystique #7 (Dec. 2003): "Tinker, Tailor, Mutant, Spy: Chapter One"
New Mutants (vol. 2) #6 (Dec. 2003): "(Just Like) Starting Over"
New X-Men (vol. 1) #148 (Dec. 2003): "Planet X - Part Three: Survivor Type"
Outsiders (vol. 3) #5 (Dec. 2003): "Brothers in Blood, Part 2 of 3: Finders Sleepers"
Planetary #17 (Dec. 2003): "Opak-Re"
Priest #9 (Dec. 2003): "Hallelujah of the Beast"
The Punisher
Rex Mundi (vol. 1) #8 (Dec. 2003): "The Scroll and the Key"
Silver Surfer (vol. 5) #2 (Dec. 2003): "Communion: Part 2"
The Spectacular Spider-Man (vol. 2) #5 (Dec. 2003): "The Hunger, Part 5"
Spider-Girl (vol. 1) #65 (Dec. 2003): "Grave Matters"
Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure #1 (Dec. 2003)
Star Wars: Republic #60 (Dec. 2003): "Hate and Fear"
Teen Titans / Outsiders Secret Files 2003
Teen Titans (vol. 3) #4 (Dec. 2003): "Breaking the Rules"
Thanos (vol. 1) #1 (Dec. 2003): "Epiphany!"
Thor (vol. 2) #70 (Dec. 2003): "Paradise"
Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #432 (Dec. 2003): "The Draco, Part Four"
Venom (vol. 1) #7 (Dec. 2003): "Run: Part Two"
The Walking Dead #3 (Dec. 2003): "Days Gone Bye, Part 3"
Wolverine (vol. 3) #6 (Dec. 2003): "So. This Priest Walks Into a Bar"
X-Statix #15 (Dec. 2003): "Back from the Dead, Part Three: Homeland Defense!"
X-Treme X-Men