



Name: reporters

Other Names: unnamed reporters; newscasters

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Publisher(s): DC Malibu Marvel

Number of Appearances: 100

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 165

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Willis Adams Willis Adams supporting character
  [1st app: Ghost Rider 2099 #2 (June 1994)] Marvel 15
Isobel Aguirre supporting character
  [kidnapped by Crucible; investigated Dr. Doom's origin] Marvel 3
Ben Akers supporting character
  [reported when Bomb Queen invaded his town] Image Shadowline 1
Iris West Allen Iris West Allen supporting character
  [girlfriend, then wife of second Flash, Barry Allen] DC 194
Paul Alvarez Paul Alvarez supporting character
  Hispanic Marvel 8
Andrea Aspeed supporting character
  [interviewed Bomb Queen; then blown up by her] Image 2
Nick Bandouveris supporting character
  [kill by Bastion when uncovered Graydon Creed's parentage] Marvel 1
Jane Barlow supporting character
  [attracted to Wizard, but didn't like his alter ego Whitney] Archie MLJ Comics 6
Liz Barnes supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [1st app: X-Factor (vol. 1) #59 (Oct. 1990)] Marvel 1
Arnie Beaker supporting character
  [uppity, acidic reporter at Smashers news conference] Marvel New Universe 1
Noel Beckford supporting character
  [1st app: The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1998 (July 1998)] Marvel 1
Diane Bellamy supporting character
  [1st app: The Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #315 (Jan. 1986)] Marvel 2
Ben supporting character
  [reported on Random Killers] Marvel 1
Carl Bernstein Carl Bernstein real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Jewish
[broke Watergate story] Marvel 55
Black Rose Black Rose (Roxanne Simpson) supporting character villain
CBR Scale: M demon
[Johnny Blaze's wife; reincarnated as a demon] Marvel 78
Bomb King (James Barry) villain
  Four Queens
[had gender change surgery, became man, Bomb Queen's lover]
Image 3
Betty Brant Betty Brant supporting character
CBR Scale: I Students of Love (temporary)
[former girlfriend of Peter Parker (Spider-Man)] Marvel 612
Anna Brooks supporting character
  [1st app: Spider-Man (vol. 1) #8 (Mar. 1991)] Marvel 1
Ed Brubaker supporting character
  [1st app: Daily Bugle: Civil War/Fallen Son Special (May 2007)] Marvel 1
Tracy Burke supporting character
CBR Scale: U Alcoholics Anonymous
[former alcoholic; was Ms. Marvel's boss] Marvel 4
Eddie Camden supporting character
  [interviewed Mary Jane Watson] Marvel 1
Jonna Cargill supporting character
  [present when Dr. Cobleskill staged racial incident] Marvel 1
Cal Carlchok supporting character
  [1st app: Venom: Seed of Darkness #-1 (July 1997)] Marvel 1
"Scoop" Carter supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Superman (vol. 1) #6 (Sep.-Oct. 1940)] DC 1
Paul Cassidy supporting character
 indeterminate  [sports writer] DC 1
Rob Chaplik Rob Chaplik supporting character
  Blood Syndicate (ally) DC Milestone Media 10
Andrew Chaser Andrew Chaser supporting character
  [published nonfiction author] Marvel New Universe 5
Shanna Cho supporting character
  Asian Marvel 5
Connie supporting character
 indeterminate  [reported on major Skrull/hero battle in Secret Invasion] Marvel 1
Buck Cowan Buck Cowan supporting character
  [best friend of Jack Russell (Werewolf By Night)] Marvel 40
Walter Cronkite Walter Cronkite supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Episcopalian
[1st app: Captain America (vol. 1) #125 (May 1970)] Marvel DC 570
Curly supporting character
 indeterminate  [Clark Kent's obnoxious co-worker] DC 1
Dick Daniels supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Superman (vol. 1) #6 (Sep.-Oct. 1940)] DC 1
Dave supporting character
CBR Scale: M follower of Beyonder; became Death
[encouraged Beyonder to destry Death; became new Death] Marvel 1
Dave supporting character
  [1st app: Deathstroke, the Terminator #15 (Oct. 1992)] DC 1
Robert Devon supporting character
 indeterminate  [Daken tricked his girlfriend into helping upload video] Marvel 1
Mickey Ditillo supporting character
  [newspaper reporter, exposed Project: Glamor] Marvel 10
Dr. Bong Dr. Bong (Lester Verde) villain scientist
  [1st app: Howard the Duck (vol. 1) #15 (Aug. 1977)] Marvel 18
Alex Drake Alex Drake supporting character
 indeterminate  [asked Mayor Jameson hard question at press conference] Marvel 1
Ty Duffy supporting character
  [assigned to write retrospective on Superman's death] DC 4
Dynamo Kid supporting character
  [posed as hero to "infiltrate" Legion for a story] DC 1
Ethan Edwards Ethan Edwards hero
CBR Scale: M Protestant
[based on Clark Kent/Superman, with Skrull twist]
Marvel 7
Marcy Embry supporting character
  [interviewed the Bobster] Marvel 1
Mark Ewing supporting character
  [investigated allged Control conspiracy] Marvel 2
Vesper Fairchild Vesper Fairchild supporting character
  [1st app: Batman (vol. 1) #540 (Mar. 1997)] DC 27
Kat Farrell Kat Farrell supporting character
  [investigated Judge Hart, killings of supervillains] Marvel 20
Bill Ferris supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Batman (vol. 1) #169 (Feb. 1965)] DC 1
Peter Fib supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Superman (vol. 1) #5 (Summer 1940)] DC 1
The Fox (Paul Patten) hero
  Ultra-Men Archie 10
Cliff Garner Cliff Garner supporting character
CBR Scale: M conspiracy theorist
U.S. Air Force
[investigated Control conspiracy]
Marvel 3
Charlie Grant supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [1st app: X-Factor (vol. 1) #59 (Oct. 1990)] Marvel 1
Sara Harrington Sara Harrington supporting character
  [Ben Urich's intern; stole, sold files w/Daredevil identity] Marvel 6
Arthur Harris supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [1st app: Outsiders (vol. 3) #6 (Jan. 2004)] DC 1
Harv supporting character
  [tried to interview Captain America at Avengers Mansion] Marvel 1
Heidi supporting character
  [born in East Germany] Marvel 1
Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Congregationalist (raised); Catholic (convert)
[met time-travelling Wolverine] DC Milestone Media, etc. 41
Miss Hildy supporting character
  [1st app: Action Comics (vol. 1) #9 (Feb. 1939)564] Marvel 1
Harris Hobbs supporting character
  [became obsessed with Thor and seeing Asgard] Marvel 21
Hobgoblin Hobgoblin (Ned Leeds) supporting character villain
  [Betty Brant's late husband] Marvel 10
Hotstreak Hotstreak (Martin Scaponi) villain
CBR Scale: M White Supremacist
5-Alarm Crew (leader); Firecrackers... 
[Static's arch-enemy]
DC Milestone Media 18
Jenny Jenny supporting character
 indeterminate  [at press conference where Osborn announced Dark X-Men] Marvel 1
Jessica Jensen supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [1st app: Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #1 (Feb. 2007)] DC 1
Joe supporting character based on a real person
 prob. indeterminate  [rival of Lois Lane; resembles Kurt Schaffenberger] DC 1
Joe supporting character
  [heard Jester announce he would reveal Daredevil's identity] Marvel 1
Michael Johnson supporting character
  [interviewed Scarlet Witch] Marvel 1
Dave Jones supporting character
  [1st app: The Atom (vol. 1) #20 (Aug.-Sep. 1965)] DC 1
Kevin Kevin supporting character
  [1st app: Megaton Man (vol. 1) #4 (June 1985)] Kitchen Sink Press 1
Terri Kidder supporting character
  [strangled to death by Norman Osborn] Marvel 2
Katy Kiernan Katy Kiernan supporting character
  [1st app: Venom (vol. 2) #23 (Oct. 2012)] Marvel 15
Sam Kolawetz supporting character
CBR Scale: M conspiracy theorist
[President's childhood friend; present when Cap thaws] 21st Century Film Corporation Marvel Enterprises 1
Simon La Grange villain
CBR Scale: I manifestly non-religious
[encouraged Cavier Killer] Marvel 1
Johnny Lafferty supporting character
  [interviewed Team America] Marvel 1
Lois Lane Lois Lane supporting character
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Raleigh College
[Superman's girlfriend, then wife]
DC 3,859
Brie Larmer supporting character
  [1st app: New Thunderbolts #2 (Jan. 2005)] Marvel 3
Lonni Lattimer supporting character
  [discovered Mark Milton was Hyperion] Marvel 1
Joan Lincoln Joan Lincoln supporting character
  [1st app: Batman and the Outsiders (vol. 1) #21 (May 1985)] DC 16
Lou Lou supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [investigated research facility "The World"] Marvel 1
Mr. Lynch supporting character
  [failed to get a story while following Hercules for J.J.J.] Marvel 1
Laurie Lynton supporting character
  Midtown High School
[Peter Parker's former classmate; science reporter]
Marvel 3
I. M. Lyon supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Superman (vol. 1) #5 (Summer 1940)] DC 1
Cadie MacDunnough supporting character
  [Gibborim artifact-altered Mr. Walters crashed her copter] Marvel 2
Ray Madera Ray Madera supporting character
  [ended up on 10,000 years in future] First Comics 2
Martha supporting character
  [reported about Copperhead's force field] Marvel 1
Megaton Man Megaton Man (Trent Phloog) hero
  The Megatropolis Quartet; VW Gang Kitchen Sink Press Image 65
Sam Mellon supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [1st app: X-Factor (vol. 1) #60 (Nov. 1990)] Marvel 1
Joy Mercado Joy Mercado supporting character
  [1st app: Moon Knight (vol. 1) #33 (Sep. 1983)] Marvel 53
Irene Merryweather Irene Merryweather supporting character
  [recorded Cable's exploits] Marvel 87
Dawn Michaels supporting character
  [] Marvel 1
The Mighty Destroyer The Mighty Destroyer (Keen Marlow) hero
  [German underground] Marvel Timely 61
Miss America Miss America (Joan Dale Trevor) hero
  All-Star Squadron; Freedom Fighters... 
[Statue of Liberty gave her powers in a dream]
Quality 36
Mitch supporting character
  [sports reporter who got scoop: Bob Russo becomes new Cap] Marvel 1
Tana Moon Tana Moon supporting character
  [1st app: The Adventures of Superman (vol. 1) #501 (Late June 1993)] DC 55
Ms. Moore supporting character
  [1st app: Spider-Girl (vol. 1) #4 (Jan. 1999)] Marvel 5
Mr. Murphy supporting character
  [reported on X-Factor; wrote negative article about Ship] Marvel 1
Billie Newman supporting character
  [1st app: Action Comics (vol. 1) #9 (Feb. 1939)569] CBS 111
Trevor Noll supporting character
  [1st app: Scarlet Spider (vol. 2) #16 (June 2013)] Marvel 1
Jack Norriss Jack Norriss supporting character
CBR Scale: S Cult of the Nameless One (lapsed)
S.H.I.E.L.D.; The Defenders (ally)
[husband of Barbara Norriss (Valkyrie)]
Marvel 41
Ariel O'Hare supporting character
 prob. indeterminate  [1st app: X-Factor (vol. 1) #72 (Nov. 1991)] Marvel 2
Donny O'Toole supporting character
  [1st app: Daredevil/Spider-Man #4 (Apr. 2001)] Marvel 1
Andrew Pauncholito supporting character
  [learned Spider-Man's secret identity; kept it secret] Marvel 3
Peter Peeker villain
  Black Gang DC 1
Ryan Penagos supporting character
  [interviewed Tony Stark and David Purdin] Marvel 1
Pete supporting character
  [saw Avengers turned to stone by alien] Marvel 1
The Phantom Bullet The Phantom Bullet (Allan Lewis) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant
[WWII-era hero] Marvel Timely 2
Gene Powers villain
CBR Scale: I manifestly non-religious
[crooked tabloid reporter; blackmailed U.S. Senator] DC 1
Pyre Pyre (Gray Russell) supporting character
  [HYDRA agent's son] Marvel 4
Mr. Randall supporting character
 indeterminate  [asked Batman about being "World's Greatest Detective"] DC 1
Paula Reinman supporting character
  [1st app: X-Men (vol. 2) #80 (Oct. 1998)] Marvel 1
Gayle Rogers Gayle Rogers supporting character
  [investigated Blind Justice] Marvel 14
Joe Rossi supporting character
  [1st app: Action Comics (vol. 1) #9 (Feb. 1939)568] CBS 114
Art Saddows supporting character
  The Mystery Analysts of Gotham City DC 8
Peggy Snow supporting character
  [announced death of Quention O'Toole] Marvel 1
Son of Vulcan (Johnny Mann) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
[gifted with the power of the Roman God Vulcan] Charlton 7
The Spook (Hans Knute) villain
CBR Scale: D Nazi
[American Nazi; convinced Sub-Earthmen to attack surface] Marvel Timely 1
Superman Superman (Clark Kent) hero
CBR Scale: S Methodist / Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; Super Friends...  DC 13,409
Superpro (Phil Grayfield) hero
  Superstars Marvel 5
Karen Sutter supporting character
  [killed herself after meeting Dr. Doom for news story] Marvel 1
Barbara Sutton supporting character
  [Black Hood's love interest, then wife] Archie MLJ Comics 28
Paul Swanson supporting character
  [tried to steal case from Kat Farrell, killed her fish] Marvel 4
Bernie Switz supporting character
  [investigated Savior and his Millenias religious sect] Marvel New Universe 1
The Sword The Sword (Chic Carter) hero
  [1st app: Smash Comics #1 (Aug. 1939)] Quality 41
Leila Taylor Leila Taylor supporting character
CBR Scale: M black supremacist
[Falcon's former girlfriend]
Marvel 50
Bill Thomas supporting character
  [torn between hatred and love for vampire Sukia] Edifumetto 50
Toni supporting character
  [interviews Anarchist] Marvel 1
Elizabeth Tremayne Elizabeth Tremayne supporting character scientist
  [1st app: The Saga of the Swamp Thing (vol. 1) #3 (July 1982)] DC 28
Dilbert Trilby supporting character
  [obituary writer; wrote eloquent Doctor Octopus obituary] Marvel 2
Ron Troupe Ron Troupe supporting character
[Lucy Lane's husband]
DC 97
Kevin Trublood supporting character
  [1st app: Jungle Action (vol. 2) #19 (Jan. 1976)] Marvel 10
unnamed beat reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Jack Milton: Fairy Tale Detective (2003)] 7 Fluid Oz. Productions Todd Norwood Productions 1
unnamed eager reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Jack Milton: Fairy Tale Detective (2003)] 7 Fluid Oz. Productions Todd Norwood Productions 1
unnamed feminist interviewer supporting character
CBR Scale: D Feminist
[gave mystery novelist Jessica Fletcher difficult interview] CBS 1
unnamed news reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: X2 (2003)] 20th Century Fox Marvel Enterprises 3
unnamed news reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  Asian 20th Century Fox Marvel Enterprises 3
unnamed news reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  black 20th Century Fox Marvel Enterprises 3
unnamed news reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: X2 (2003)] 20th Century Fox Marvel Enterprises 3
unnamed news reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: X2 (2003)] 20th Century Fox Marvel Enterprises 3
unnamed reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  [1st app: Action Comics (vol. 1) #9 (Feb. 1939)] DC 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
 indeterminate  [alongside Clark Kent, investigated an investor's suicide] DC 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
CBR Scale: S Neanderthal
[found strange fruit that transformed him into Neanderthal] DC 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: The Greatest American Hero - Season 3, Episode 4 (19 Nov. 1982)] ABC 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #1 (Feb. 2007)7] NBC 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Falsehood (2001)] Mental Pictures 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Deadtime Stories (1986)] Scary Stuff 1
unnamed reporter unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Highlander - Season 1, Episode 1 (3 Oct. 1992)] Davis-Panzer Productions Gaumont Television 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Darkhawk #17 (July 1992)] Marvel 1
unnamed reporter unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Hostages - Season 1, Episode 1 (23 Sep. 2013)] CBS 1
unnamed reporter unnamed reporter supporting character
  black CBS 1
unnamed reporter unnamed reporter supporting character
  [1st app: Hostages - Season 1, Episode 1 (23 Sep. 2013)] CBS 1
unnamed reporter supporting character
  [commented on hero worship of Hank McCoy at football game] Marvel 1
unnamed sports writer supporting character
 indeterminate  [sports writer] DC 1
Ben Urich Ben Urich supporting character
CBR Scale: S Jewish
[1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #153 (July 1978)] Marvel 19
Vicki Vale Vicki Vale supporting character
  [1st app: Batman (vol. 1) #49 (Oct.-Nov. 1948)] DC 132
Andrew Vinson supporting character
  [helped Power Girl develop her secret identity] DC 10
Waller supporting character
  [killed and replaced by Volx (alien Dire Wraith)] Marvel 1
Billy Walters Billy Walters supporting character
  [1st app: The Spectacular Spider-Man (vol. 1) #235 (June 1996)] Marvel 31
Tracy Warner supporting character
  [1st app: Machine Man (vol. 1) #5 (Aug. 1978)] Marvel 3
Joe Watson supporting character
  [inerviewed Kingpin] Marvel 1
Sydney Weiss supporting character
  [1st app: Daily Bugle: Civil War/Fallen Son Special (May 2007)] Marvel 1
Sara Wilde supporting character
  [first person to meet Joseph Hauer after he escaped] Marvel UK 7
Mr. Williams supporting character
  [challenged Sam Wilson about his criminal past] Marvel 1
Norah Winters Norah Winters supporting character
  [Peter Parker's friend, co-worker] Marvel 6
Bob Woodward Bob Woodward real/historical person
  [broke Watergate story] Marvel 105
Jackie Zanca supporting character
  [killed and replaced by Volx (alien Dire Wraith)] Marvel 1
Zena villain
CBR Scale: I N.A.
[1st app: Spaceman #1 (Sep. 1953)] Atlas Marvel 1
Radzak Zokey supporting character
  [cub reporter; searched for Flaming Carrot] Aardvark-Vanaheim 2

This character is in the following 21 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Bomb Queen II: Queen of Hearts #1 (Oct. 2006): "Queen of Hearts - Part 1"
Captain America (vol. 1) #237 (Sep. 1979): "From the Ashes..."
Emma Frost #12 (Aug. 2004): "Mind Games, Part 6: Going Mental"
Emma Frost: Mind Games (Aug. 2005): "Mind Games, Part 6: Going Mental"
Justice League (vol. 1) #4 (Aug. 1987): "Winning Hand"
Kickers, Inc. #9 (July 1987): "May the Best Sport Win"
Megaton Man
Spitfire and the Troubleshooters #4 (Jan. 1987): "Revelation"
The X-Men

Suggested links for further research about this character: