Religion: not determined yet
Name: Oracle
Alter Ego: Barbara Gordon
Other Names: Batgirl; Barbara "Babs" Gordon; Babs Gordon; Oracle II
First Appearance: Detective Comics (vol. 1) #359 (Jan. 1967): "The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl!"
First Appearance (Additional Details): (as Oracle) Suicide Squad (vol. 1) #23 (Jan. 1989): "Weird War Tales"
Creators: Gardner F. Fox, Carmine Infantino, Sid Greene
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 921
Comic Book Appearances: 801
TV, Film Appearances: 117
Video Game, Computer Game Appearances: 3
Teams/Affiliations: Batman family; Birds of Prey; Seven Soldiers of Victory; The Justice League; The Network; The Suicide Squad
Race: white
Gender: female
The religious affiliation of Barbara Gordon is a topic that needs further careful research. She is the daughter of Gotham City's top cop, Commissioner James Gordon, who is a Protestant. But Commissioner Gordon's religious affiliation is only rarely exhibited and not a major aspect of his character. Commissioner Gordon's religious affiliation, which might be classified as only or mostly nominal, seems to be an insufficient basis for classifying his daughter. Moreover, Barbara Gordon, first as Batgirl and later as Oracle, is such a well-established character in her own right that she deserves to be considered carefully and independently.
We have seen at least one report that Barbara Gordon has identified herself as a Buddhist in a Birds of Prey comic. But until we can gather better information on this, we are backing away from actually classifying her as a Buddhist.
What can be said for certain is that Barbara Gordon's precise religious beliefs and affiliation, whatever they are, may well inform her heroism and highly ethical standards, but they are not a significant overt part of how her character is portrayed.
Barbara Gordon's major chroniclers probably have a general idea in their minds about how they classify her religiously. But either they have not yet rendered these background details explicit in published stories, or, if they have identified these facts in print, they have done it so rarely that we have not yet seen it and readers and fans have generally not picked up on it. Many DC characters are mentioned repeatedly when the religious affiliation of characters is discussed by fans, commentators, online posters and such. Barbara Gordon is never among the characters discussed.
Suggested links for further research about this character: