

Iceman (Bobby Drake)

The Religious Affiliation of
Bobby Drake

Religion: Jewish Catholic CBR Scale: I

Name: Iceman

Alter Ego: Bobby Drake

Other Names: Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake; Mister Friese; Drake Roberts; Rampage; Ice; Bobby Blake

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: The X-Men (vol. 1) #1 (Sep. 1963): "X-Men"

Creators: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Paul Reinman

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 1,752

   Comic Book Appearances: 1,689

   TV, Film Appearances: 57

   Video Game, Computer Game Appearances: 6

Teams/Affiliations: Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends; The Champions; The Defenders; The Twelve; X-Factor; X-Men

Occupation: accountant

Birth Place: Fort Washington, Nassau County, Long Island, New York, USA

Race: white

Gender: male

Iceman (Bobby Drake)

This character is in the following 469 stories which have been indexed by this website:
The All New Exiles Vs. X-Men
Alpha Flight (vol. 1) #40 (Nov. 1986): "Love" (only on cover)
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing X-Men
The Avengers
Avengers Academy #38 (Dec. 2012): "Crosstown Rivals"
Bizarre Adventures #27 (July 1981): "Winter Carnival" (lead character)
Black Panther (vol. 4) #8 (Nov. 2005): "Wild Kingdom 2 of 4: House of Paine"
Captain America
The Champions
Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 (Mar. 2007)
Cloak and Dagger (vol. 2) #9 (Nov. 1986): "The Lady and the Unicorn" (only on cover)
Daredevil (vol. 1) #236 (Nov. 1986): "American Dreamer" (only on cover)
Dark Angel #9 (Apr. 1993): "Assassination, Part One"
Dark Avengers
Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1 (Nov. 2009): "Utopia: Conclusion" (7-panel cameo)
Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Utopia #1 (Aug. 2009): "Utopia: Part 1" (1-panel cameo)
Dark X-Men: The Beginning
Darkhawk #30 (Aug. 1993): "This Evil Unleashed"
DC/Marvel All Access #4 (Feb. 1997): "Savior"
The Defenders
Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil #1 (Mar. 2009): "Doomed If You Do, Doomed If You Don't!" (cameo)
Emma Frost #6 (Feb. 2004): "Higher Learning, Conclusion" (photo/picture/video)
Emma Frost: Higher Learning (Aug. 2004): "Higher Learning, Conclusion" (photo/picture/video)
Excalibur (vol. 1) #57 (Nov. 1992): "For Whom the Bell Trolls!" (cameo)
Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comics Magazine!
Gambit and the Champions: From the Marvel Vault #1 (Oct. 2011)
Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 (July 2008): "Gone"
Giant-Size X-Men
Hulk (vol. 3) #9 (Feb. 2009): "Hulk Ice" (3-panel cameo)
Iron Man (vol. 1) #212 (Nov. 1986): "Precious Legacy" (only on cover)
Ka-Zar (vol. 1) #1 (Aug. 1970): "The Coming of... Ka-Zar"
Machine Man & Bastion Annual '98 (June 1998): "Deus X Machina" (cameo)
Marvel Age Annual #1 (Jan. 1985)
Marvel Comics Presents (vol. 1) #59 (Sep. 1990): "On the Road with Wolverine and the Hulk, Part 6: Old Friends"
Marvel Fanfare
Marvel Holiday Special 2004 #1 (Jan. 2005): "An X-Men X-Mas"
Marvel Holiday Special '96 (Dec. 1996): "Humbug!"
Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions #1 (June 1982): "A Gathering of Heroes!"
Marvel Super-Heroes
Marvel Team-Up
Marvel Two-in-One (vol. 1) #76 (June 1981): "The Big Top Bandits" (lead character)
Marvel Universe: The End
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (24 Oct. 2006)
The New Mutants (vol. 1) #45 (Nov. 1986): "We Were Only Foolin'" (only on cover)
New X-Men
The Order (vol. 1) #5 (Aug. 2002): "Blinded by Science" (cameo)
Scarlet Spider
The Secret Defenders
Sleepwalker #3 (Aug. 1991): "Theater of Madness!" (dream)
Special Edition X-Men #1 (Feb. 1983): "Second Genesis"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends - Season 1, Episode 1 (12 Sep. 1981): "The Triumph of the Green Goblin"
Super-Villain Team-Up #14 (Oct. 1977): "A World For the Winning!" (cameo)
Ultimate Spider-Man #90 (Apr. 2006): "Silver Sable: Part 5: "Hey, wait up!! You can't just leave now!""
Ultimate X-Men #44 (June 2004): "New Mutants, Part Five"
The Uncanny X-Men
Unlimited Access #4 (Mar. 1998): "Combined Forces" (character based on)
Untold Tales of Spider-Man
X-Factor Special: Prisoner of Love (1990): "Prisoner of Love"
X-Force / Champions Annual '98 (Dec. 1998): "Demon from Within"
The X-Men
X-Men and Captain Universe #1 (Dec. 1994): "Sleeping Giants"
X-Men Forever
X-Men Origins: Iceman #1 (Jan. 2010): "The Icy Beginning!" (lead character)
X-Men Unlimited (vol. 2) #9 (Aug. 2005): "Resignation" (lead character)
X-Men: Alpha #1 (Feb. 1995): "Beginnings..."
X-Men: Black Sun
X-Men: First Class Special
X-Men: Legacy
X-Men: Legends (June 2000): "Diary of a False Man"
X-Men: Millennial Visions 2001
X-Men: The Hidden Years
X-Treme X-Men
X2 (2003)
Young X-Men

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: